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Living in Service to Cover Up Your Lack of Self-Worth

In this video Jerry Sargeant shares his views on self worth, a lack of self worth and how the human ego takes on a spiritual identity, living in service of others to distract the human being in question from doing the real work, the inner work. Living in service of others can be a a dangerous game and used to cover up the pain and suffering one is going through on this human journey, feeling a huge and overwhelming lack of love and self-worth. The power lies within your own cosmic heart, go there now.


Are YOU ready to transform your world?

Are YOU ready to discover the power that lies within YOU?

‘It’s for those brave souls that are ready to explore what lies inside of them, way down deep within the labyrinth of their infinite minds and the depths of their Cosmic Hearts’ ~Jerry Sargeant

Always pushing the boundaries and expanding…

Star Magic merges the science of subtle energy and quantum physics with the incredible power of active imagination and focused intent to produce physical and verifiable effects. Expand your skill-sets in conscious living and be the change you want to see in this world. Star Magic Healing really is the Ultimate Healing Weapon and the Number One Ascension Tool.

The Star Magic Facilitator Training is about accessing a state of transformation, effective empowerment and infinite possibilities, utilising the extremely playful and life-changing Soul Technology known as Star Magic®. Human Beings learn to reliably and consistently move into the field of the heart, or torsion fields of the heart to access the Universal Field of Soul Technology known as the Inverted Field or Source Energy, the place of Infinite Possibility. From this point of intuitive awareness, all methods of Star Magic are easily accessible and provide for instantaneous and life-long changes, in all aspects of reality. You will remember how to co-create your own reality and the realities of others instantaneously, by harnessing the extra-terrestrial and off planet light frequencies that Star Magic makes available.

Star Magic is a journey containing basic, intermediate and advanced light energy healing abilities. During the five day training Jerry and the Star Magic Facilitation Team will take you on a journey that equips you with every skill necessary to heal at the different levels or AP’s (Areas of Potential). You will let go of everything logical and remember your deep intuitive skill-set. You will remember and know the truth. It’s time to activate your soul memory and be re-born as a Star Seed here on Planet Earth.
Watch, enjoy and share with your friends family and loved ones.

Star Magic Training info here
