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10 Ways to Release Anger & Reclaim Your Energy

Anger is a wild like a volcano erupting violently shooting out the lava of raw emotion. Like a wild bushfire, anger burns any attempts to control it. Sudden anger hurts you and others and is damaging to yourself and to your relationships.

Resisting the flow of life is like blocking the flow of water. Pressure builds and keeps building up until something has to break. The pressure builds up more when you resist or avoid following your soul’s path and you are not living your truth. You may want to scream and lash out or don’t know how you’re going to deal with the anger without losing your mind.

10 Ways to Release Anger

Here are 10 powerful techniques for releasing anger that will also empower you to develop your true power in life.

1. Let Go of Suppressed Emotions

Anger is as sacred as all your other emotions. It holds nothing back and feelings are expressed that may have never seen the light of day. What you really think and feel suddenly comes flooding out. Anger shows you how to address your true thoughts and feelings as they arise.

Release your anger by not getting angry and not being hooked or attached to your anger or have fear of it. Instead, learn how to express your soul with honestly and integrity. Look within and check to identify what you are holding back.

When you are afraid of anger it gets bottled up and there is much pain. If you remember nothing else then remember to let go of your anger.

2. Break the Anger Spin Cycle

Anger often feels like a washing machine that is set on the spin cycle. It loops around again and again in the same old story and list of issues.

When this happens, take note of all the things you’re complaining about. Let your list of complaints clean up your awareness so you can clarify what you actually want.

3. Acknowledge Your Anger

Anger happens when you don’t listen to yourself and ignore your intuition and inner guidance. Then anger will make you listen and you truly hear how you feel, what you think, and what your instincts are. Listen to yourself and follow your inner guidance.

Acknowledge your anger and take positive action to remedy the situation. Then your anger loses its power over you. You may be very pissed off at yourself for not living the life you want to live. Don’t wait to start living your true life. Acknowledge your anger and work with what shows up and then clean up the mess.

4. Own Your Feelings & Desires

Anger shows you how you treat yourself and where you give away your power to external situations. Build a robust foundation grounded in truth, love, and integrity. Own all of your feelings and love yourself unconditionally.

When your anger flares up look at what you are not letting yourself have. This brings your true desires into the spotlight so you can reclaim the energy. When anger surfaces, re-channel your energy and move in the direction of your true desires.

5. Self-Compassion Heals You

Self-compassion allows you to observe your emotions without being lost in them. When anger shows up, it will spotlight where deeper healing is needed. You’ll know when you’ve healed your wounds when you are not triggered by your anger. If you are triggered in a different way this will spotlight where deeper healing is needed.

Take a deep breath, and watch your emotions come and go. Learn to be patient and accept your anger, allowing it to arise and pass away harmlessly. With practice you can instantly dissolve issues with non-dual or singular awareness by remaining present, calm, focussed, and engaged with your feelings. Then you are not being hooked by the duality of your emotions.

6. Unblock & Direct Your Energy

A blockage is any place within you where things are stuck. Blockages are often caused by ideas. Give the energy freedom to move and it starts to subside. This gives you the time and energy to follow your spiritual path.

Anger will show you when you’re going off track away from your true desires. Reset your internal GPS and look for the path that is in alignment with your soul’s calling. Be a director of your life and put your dreams into action.

7. Shine Your Light on You

Anger exposes your deep subconscious beliefs and it will amplify them. Ask yourself, what do you believe in when you’re angry? This will uncover your beliefs which are not in alignment with you soul’s path.

Unearth your deep beliefs and attitudes and shine your light on them. Then take the actions you need to live the life of your dreams.

8. Honour Your Truth

Respect is earned by aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your divine mission on Earth, and honouring your truth.  You will feel angry when you ignore your intuition or go off course. This is because your soul knows this is the wrong way to go.

Cultivating respect is honouring your truth all the way into embodied action. As you cultivate respect for yourself, you will naturally respect other people.

9. Living your Dreams

Anger shows you the areas where you are holding back from living the path you are born on Earth to live. So develop the courage and confidence to grow as a human being and a spiritual being on Earth.

Listen to your intuition and you will be guided supported and nurtured to live your dreams. Then you will feel free and happy to risk living the life on Earth that you’re born to live.

10. Own your power

When you own your power, your soul’s energy is aligned with the universe. When you honour this power, you listen to your truth, and follow your inner guidance.  Then you will speak your truth and allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling.

Anger is a fierce teacher. Anger shows you the primal need to be aligned with your true power. Anger teaches where your power is leaking and shows you how to plug those leaks.

You no longer remain a prisoner of your anger when you own your power. Then you are a master of your anger not its servant and free to live your dreams. Anger no longer burns you and instead it illuminates your path in life.


You can experience the release anger meditation in the Star Magic meditation library.

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