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How To Access Potential Energy In The Quantum Field


Learn how to access the potential energy in the quantum field, to raise your frequency and heal your physical body. There is an infinite amount of potential energy within the quantum field that you can remember how to tap into, and you have the ability to harness this energy, to not only heal your physical body but also manifest abundance and create the life of your dreams. Once you know how to access this infinite storehouse of knowledge, wisdom and potential, you will be able to change your life in every way.

In this video I will explain the quantum field, universal energy and show you how you can access and harness it to enhance your life in ways beyond you would never think possible. The power of the Universe is within you and it’s time to unleash the magic that lies in every cell of your body. You are a lightworker and you are here for ascension. Are you ready to rock your own world?


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

I’m here in nature in the sunshine. It’s a beautiful day walking, breathing in the fresh air and just connecting with the trees and the Sun and the ground. This is awesome and I’ve just been kind of contemplating energy and the quantum field and there’s all of this like vast array of forest around me. This forest is on a planet that we call Earth. This Earth is in a solar system in the galaxy. The galaxy is in the universe. There are multiple other galaxies, billions of planets, multiple universes, and all this incredible extraordinary array of planets and stars and celestial beings, and all the things that are on these celestial beings such as trees and forests and mountains and rivers and streams and oceans and people and animals and all these things. They came out of the quantum field.

A lot of people have this belief that matter creates matter, but matter comes out of the field and if you look at atoms which are 99.99999% space you realize that only zero point one, one, one, one, one, percent is actual energy. So, what I’m trying to say is the universe is bleeding and it’s bleeding a very finite tiny, small slither of a percentage of energy, and out of that energy all these planets’ celestial beings, stars, and moons and Suns, and galaxies, and universes have been created. If all of this can be created from such a tiny portion of energy imagine how much potential lies within the fields.

If all of this is created from zero point, one, one, one, one, one percent of energy, the quantum field is bleeding, and all this stuff is being created. Imagine if we harnessed a few more of that percent. What could be created. That potential is accessible by you, by me, by everyone else, and it’s accessible when you go into the voids, when you’re in meditation, and you go beyond the body, when you go beyond the mind, when you go beyond the thoughts into that vacuum, into that mesmerizing place of stillness. When you connect with nothing, when you become nothing, when you have no body because you’re just energy, your light, your frequency you’ve gone beyond. It takes practice but everyone can do it.

It starts with the breath. Long, slow, deep breaths into the body, eyes closed. You just keep breathing. Focus on the centre of your brain and back slightly. Expand the awareness into that space and keep breathing. The thoughts will come. Let them go. Observe them. You must be disciplined in your approach but if you practice meditation every single day you are going to be able to enter this vacuum, this field, this vast array of empty space, and from there magic happens. Once you tap into that frequency that code, that energy, your body starts to self-regulate, your body starts to recalibrate, and it starts to self-heal, and then it starts to expand and take you into new spaces where there’s more potential. You don’t have to try and direct it, it will just do it because your body is designed to expand, because your energy beyond the physical form. This potential is at the tip of our fingertips. It’s inside our cosmic code, it’s there to be grasped.

In my hand right now there’s enough potential to power this world for billions of years within my hands. The empty space in my hand right now could produce more worlds, more suns, more moons. We’ve just got to go into the stillness to tap into it. You have the power; you have the access. Don’t deny yourself the beauty and the magic that lies within you. There is freedom, there is potential, there is energy, there is courage, there is wisdom, there is knowledge, but you’ve got to be disciplined to go in, to be still when the mind is going crazy, when the thoughts are going overtime wanting to distract you, the body feels a bit of pain, you start to think about what you’ve got to do tomorrow or what you didn’t do earlier or the business meeting coming up. You’ve got to override those, you’ve got to stay still and keep in that space of stillness, discipline.

It’s not easy meditating when you start out because you just want to do but we’re not human doings, we’re human beings. So, let’s first start at the start of every day. Get up and spend some time in the stillness just breathing and being in your body getting to know yourself, getting to understand yourself. You can do it. You’re completely, extraordinarily, totally, awesome. You rock your own world, and you have the potential to rock your world. So, let’s do it. Wherever you are on the planet, go out and hug fiercely, hug tightly. Never be the first to let go. Love unconditionally and be in acceptance of your fellow sisters and brothers. Together we can raise the vibration of this planet.

Check out our website We got some of the best meditations on the planet. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook, like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our sisters and brothers.



