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Can You Really Change Your DNA? Find out

We’ve been told all our life we are born and we die with the same DNA and there’s nothing we can do to change it. That is in our genes, it’s what defines us and we need to accept it whether we like it or not.

However, scientists proved you can change your DNA.

How Did That Happen?

Epigenetics is the field which studies how external factors impact our genes. Even though it’s a relatively new scientific field, it has become a fact our diet, our lifestyle, our stress levels can alter our genes’ activity, including those which we pass on.

Simply put, our grandfather or grandmother made decisions in the past which are affecting us today. Despite all this, we can influence our genes through diet, behaviour and other environmental factors.

Let’s discuss every aspect and how it can change your DNA.

How to Change Your DNA

1. Diet, sleep, exercise

Epigenetics suggests we are what our grandparents ate, as well. This doesn’t mean we can’t change this.

A diet high in carbs will attack our DNA. On the other hand, certain compounds found in broccoli, green tea or turmeric could potentially slow the damage of our DNA.

change your dna

How many hours do you sleep per night? If the answer is less than six hours, then you need to change this as soon as possible. Researchers found lack of sleep altered the activity of more than 700 genes in only one week.

Then, there’s also exercise, which we all know it’s good for our health and body. But that’s not all: it also positively affects gene expression.

2. Meditation

Diet, sleep and exercise are tangible factors which affect our genes. But there are also intangible ones, such as stress, our thoughts and relationships with others which impact our gene expression.

Meditation is the most powerful stress-reducing techniques out there. It can help us reduce inflammation in our body, which is responsible for heart disease, diabetes or Alzheimer’s.

Millions of people in the world already practice meditation and enjoy the health benefits for their body and mind.

But many don’t even realize the change begins at a molecular level. Meditation will transform your body from within, while you will also experience a deeper connection with your cosmic body.

You could even become more aware of your starseed and activate it.

3. Habits

Our habits will affect our genes, as well. These can be positive or negative.

For example, if our morning ritual is all about scrolling on social media before we even get out of bed, then this will count as a negative habit.

But habits happen at many different levels.

We can form the habit of expressing gratitude, doing acts of kindness or simply being optimistic. The benefits of applying these habits on a daily basis will be experienced almost immediately.

On the other hand, there are negative habits which affect our genes, as well. Stress, trauma, substance abuse, addictions, malnutrition and exposure to toxins will impact gene expression.

Transform Yourself from Within by Meditating

Humanity is starting to wake up and realize we can so much more with our bodies and mind if we use the right tools and we form only positive habits.

You too can change your DNA and you can start with as little as a meditation session.

I want to help you start this process and so I want to give you free access to the most powerful meditation library on the planet. It’s actually more than meditation – it’s energy healing and meditation combined.

Do you want to experience real shifts in consciousness? Then join me now. 

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