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Energy Healing Secrets I How To Be The Very Best Energy Healer You Can Be


In this video, Jerry talks about energy healing and how why connecting to the heart is so important. The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing technique is powerful and very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer.


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Energy healing secrets, beautiful soul. How can you be the very best healer that you can possibly be? It’s very simple and the answer is one of those answers that some people don’t like to hear because it involves discipline, it involves working on yourself, it involves preparation.

We’ve trained thousands of people to heal with Star Magic all over the planet from China to South America, from India to Australia, and everywhere in between. One of the fundamentals in our training is preparation. You have a nervous system which is 45 miles of electrical wiring. You have so much light traveling through your light body that you can become a walking talking healing machine. The problem is most people think they’re healers and they’re not vessels, they’re not channels.

What we are is facilitators of healing and we facilitate the process by bringing in the light, by bringing in the energy by opening our hearts, by magnetizing the healing session together, frequency code energy love. All these things are mission critical. What happens is everybody just wants to rush and get on and heal people but those that are successful are those that are prepared. So, what do you need to do to prepare? Well first you’ve got to do the inner work. When I wake up in the morning the first few hours of my day are dedicated to me, the most important human being on planet earth and in your reality, beautiful soul. No ifs, butts, or maybes. You must be the most important human being on planet earth in your reality.

You got to put yourself first. It’s not called being selfish. It’s called self-love when you wake up in the morning, exercise, meditation, breathwork, qigong, go for a walk, create. Be in a space with no mobile phone, no internet. Don’t communicate with anyone. It’s all about you for the first few hours of your day. You’ve got to get yourself elevated, tuned in, connected, your vibration high, before you go out into the world. You’ve got to adopt a 24/7 365 meditative state and you do that by observation. No labels, no judgments, you put clean food into your body, you eat those photons, fruits, vegetables, predominantly a plant-based diet. I’m not saying you’ve got to go all out vegan, no. Don’t stick that label on you. Maybe it is right for you, maybe it’s not.

I went vegan for several years. It didn’t really work for me. I have a predominantly 90 to 95 percent plant-based diet but every now and again I have some fish and some eggs, things that my body craves and needs. So, you’ve got to listen to your body but predominantly put the good stuff into your body, go out and sun gaze for the first hour and last hour of sunlight. Stare at the sun. Start with 10 seconds, 20 seconds, build up slowly every day, every week, increase it a little bit more so you can build up to 45 minutes.

In meditation go beyond your physical body, breath work to breathe deep into your cells, activate that central nervous system, activate your lymphatic system, activate your pineal gland through the breath. All these individual components we’re going to talk about in separate videos within the energy healing secrets stream and sequence of videos. But I want you to get this. I want you to know this. I want you to understand this, beautiful soul. A lot of people go out into the world, and they give from their teacup. When you give from your teacup it’s dangerous.  You’ve got to be so full up with love and magic that it spills out of your teacup and into the saucer and then you give from your saucer.

You’ve got to decide if you want to be an energy healer and facilitate the healing of other people, animals, whatever it is. Maybe you want to facilitate some healing for your sisters and brothers up there. I don’t know. That’s another story but you’ve got to decide how many healings are you going to do every single day – three, eight, ten, and what hours are you going to work – three to eight or you’re just going to let those healings come in and work into everyone else’s diary.

One of the things that we drum into people’s heads in Star Magic is this you set your own hours. It could be three o’clock to eight o’clock, ten o’clock to two o’clock, and you see people drawing those hours and if people can’t see you during those hours, you put them into the next day, or the next week and they start fitting into your diary. This makes you efficient. It means you’re not all over the place with your energy. It means you’re working a set number of hours every day. You’re creating magic in a set number of hours every day and then the rest of the day is yours. The morning time is yours to focus on you, on your heart your meditation, your breath work. All the things I’ve mentioned.

You have your six hours for healing and then the rest of the day maybe you want to write, maybe you want to go to the gym, maybe you want to play with your kids, maybe you want to sleep, maybe you want to go to a restaurant. You’ve got to decide how you’re going to run your day and how you’re going to be efficient with your energy. These points are so important. If you start focusing on yourself every day you’re going to be balanced, you’re going to be in equilibrium, you’re going to be happy, you’re going to be full of joy. Your heart’s going to be open and expanded.

We discussed how to open your heart in the last video. If you’ve not watched it go and check it out. If you’ve not watched the videos on how to entangle holograms go and watch them. They’re in this video series energy healing secrets. I’m going to be sharing every single week one or more videos on energy healing and getting this information out to the planet.

So, you know how to facilitate the healing of your sisters and brothers and how to facilitate the healing of yourself. You are primary, beautiful soul. Your clients, everyone else, must come secondary. You’ve got to put yourself first. If you’re not functioning at 110% and bubbling with bliss, bubbling with joy, bubbling with magic and energy, then you’re not in any fit state to go out and help other people. So put yourself first. It’s the best piece of advice that I could give you. When you start putting yourself first, there’s other things that you do not need to start doing through your qigong, through the nervous system activation, that we use in star magic through the daily dose of starlight exercises that we use in star magic.

You start to ramp up the light in your body and it just starts to emanate, and you become a walking talking healing machine. The more you prepare, the less effort that you’ve got to put in when you go in to facilitate healing because the light is just pumping through you out from you. Remember this light is intelligence. You don’t need to tell it what to do, you’ve just got to point it in the right direction, and it goes to work, and it creates magic. You are such an incredible soul and you have so much potential, so much wisdom locked inside of your own genetics, locked inside of your cells, and your blood, in your DNA. You came from the stars to planet earth to create magic so start creating magic, beautiful soul. Do it for you.

Unleash your inner wisdom to the planet because the planet is waiting for you to shine but do the inner work first. Get up every day and spend the first few hours on you. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram no Skype or YouTube. Also, no talking to other people, no picking up your phone and checking your emails. It’s all about you. All the answers are in here, beautiful soul. If you want to be the very best version of you and the very best facilitator that you can possibly be on this planet you’ve got to do the inner work, you’ve got to get up early, and you’ve got to focus.

I can’t make you do this stuff, no one can. Therefore, you’ve got to be disciplined in your approach. You see star magic is a lifestyle. It’s the lifestyle, it’s a lifestyle baby. I live it, breathe it, eat it, everything it from morning till night. You got to do the same and it should be fun not a chore because you should love what you’re doing and if you’re not loving what you’re doing you’re in the wrong position, the wrong profession, the wrong creative endeavour so healing isn’t for you.

Beautiful soul, thank you for watching. Thank you for being here in this space and remember every time you tune into these videos you’re being activated. My heart is always open. just by listening to this information you’re being healed you’re being shifted on a very, very, deep level. Please share these videos with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones.  Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.

Remember to subscribe and hit the notifications tab so you can keep up to speed with all these latest videos, meditations, light language transmissions, and the energy healing secrets series because I want you to empower yourself. All I can do is provide you with the tools. You’ve got to go out and practice, you’ve got to go out and use them. If this is the first energy healing secret video you’ve watched go back and listen to the others and stay tuned moving forwards and remember beautiful soul go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously.

Remember to check out our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet.  Go out and check out our training videos, go and see when our next facilitated trainings are. We’ve got them all over the world and we’ve got them online. You’re awesome. Go and be awesome, go and shine your light and dampen your sparkle for no one. I’ll see you again real soon.



