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Energy Healing Secrets I How To Connect and Open The Heart


In this video, Jerry talks about energy healing and how why connecting to the heart is so important. The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing technique is powerful and very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer.


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Why is the heart so important? Whether you’re new to energy healing or you’re an old-timer, a veteran in the field, your heart is so important.

The magnetic field of your heart is 5000 times stronger than the field of the brain. Now that doesn’t mean that the brain is useless. There are two halves of your brain and you’ve got the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere is the best part. It’s the female part. The left brain is the male hemisphere, and the right brain can process infinite bits of data plus per second. It reads codes, it feels the field, it interprets the light, it feels and knows the geometrical data. It’s a very important part of energy healing when you’re facilitating the healing of other humans, your heart and your right brain are the two spaces you want to operate from. Having them linked together is of the utmost importance.

Now what we’re going to do today is I’m going to share with you my feelings on why the heart is so important and what you can do if you truly want to facilitate the healing of other people. The number one secret is to operate from here. The other number one secret is to operate from here and you want to do it at the same time. You want your heart and your right brain to be linked, infused in this field, and the key to getting these two areas infused is the magnetic field of the heart. You’ve got to open this baby.

Now a lot of people say, “Jerry how do I open my heart” and for some people it seems like such a tough thing to do we as human beings are taught that happiness is found in the external environment. We’re always looking to material objects, things, people to give us sustenance to make us happy, to fill us full of joy, to make us whole when really and truly we are whole, we are source, we are incredible. We don’t need to be anything more than we already are, but most people don’t realize this. They haven’t realized with their real lives the real lies. Okay because you are whole and this beautiful space in the middle of your body in the middle of your chest it has all the answers to all your questions, all the knowledge and all the wisdom is locked inside of you, but you’ve got to be brave enough, beautiful soul, to venture into here.

If you’ve watched the last two videos that I shared on using holograms and multiple holograms, I let you know that you need to open your heart and connect with those holograms. Love is like glue when you go into a healing session whether you’re working hands-on or a distance. Most of the work that we do is distance healing with star magic, but it works when you’re all the way around the other side of the world because time, distance, and measurement in the quantum field don’t exist. What I was sharing in the last two videos, and I highly recommend you go and watch them. You’ll find them on this YouTube channel – holograms how to use them, and how to use multiple holograms.

Now your field in the heart when you’re communicating and connecting with the hologram, all the physical vessel of the human being that you’re working on, you’ve got to open this. So how do you open it? How do you connect with it? If you get your left hand and you rub your thumb on it gently in a clockwise direction or your forefinger just for a few seconds and then let go, and then feel those tiny little subtle vibrations in the palm of your hands. That’s energy. These subtle energies are everywhere and one of the hardest things that people find is when they’re tuning into the field is to tap those subtle energies. Once you do tap into them, once you feel them, see them, know they’re there, they become stronger, and you start to feel them and tap them a lot easier. To start with it can be a little bit tricky.

Your heart is a little bit like the palm of your hand. It’s also nothing like it but at the same time for what I want to explain to you right now, you do this you can feel the frequency, the energy, the subtle energies. When you tap your heart close your eyes and tap your heart whilst breathing through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth real slow. Just tap the field of your heart and feel the centre of your chest. Then stop tapping and bring all your awareness and all your attention into the centre of your chest. Feel those subtle energies as you bring all your awareness and all your energy.

I want you to consciously imagine that your heart is opening, blooming like a beautiful lotus flower. See it bloom and blossom and open and keep opening and opening it consciously. Visualize it opening, feel it opening, and imagine light, a beautiful pink violet or gold light, or maybe multiple frequencies, multiple colours all imbued together opening and flowing out from your heart. Just feel it for a moment. Feel the love pouring out from your heart. Tap your heart again just a little bit for 10 seconds, tap the centre of your chest and then stop and then feel it again. Start to tune into the field of your heart these are basics but they’re very important because without your heart without the frequency of your heart any energy from healing session that you go in to facilitate is never going to be all it could be.

You can use your brain, you can use your mind, you can concentrate, you can focus, you can set your intentions but without that magnetic frequency the love, that field of the heart gluing all the components of your energy healing session together, light, intention, love, knowing, information. There are different components that make up the energy healing cake because it is like a cake. What you’ve got to do when you go into an energy healing session is trust you bring in the light frequencies you open your heart, and you infuse it with love. You set your intention you know that it’s going to work. You trust and you mix these ingredients together and then the healing just takes place. You haven’t got to do too much.

When a baker bakes a cake, he gets the flour he gets the milk, the eggs, the sugar, all the components that make up the cake and mixes them, or she mixes them, together in a pot. They get all the ingredients, and they stick them in the oven. They turn up the temperature, they turn on the timer, and then they go away and have a cup of tea. They come back 30 minutes later, 40 minutes later, and they open the oven. They’ve got a beautiful cake. They don’t sit there looking into the oven thinking “oh my gosh I hope it bakes, I hope it rises, I hope it tastes good in all areas of the cake. They just stick the ingredients in, and they trust, they know that this cake is going to come out of the oven. Everyone that eats are going to love it. It’s going to be warm; it’s going to be fluffy; it’s going to taste amazing.

When you go into a healing session and you open your hands, you bring in the light frequencies, the codes. We’re going to talk about the codes and the light frequencies in another video because today is just about the heart, and I want you to understand the truth about the heart and why the heart is so important. The five magical ingredients for star magic are love, light, intention, imagination, and knowing. Imagination is reality and you are a master alchemist, and you can create and cultivate whatever you want in the quantum field, and it will become a reality in the physical vessel of the human being you’re working on. When you trust, when you mix all these ingredients together correctly and you infuse it with the love of your heart that magnetic motherly divine frequency magic happens.

Mow I want you to close your eyes for a second.  I want you to close your eyes and I want you to breathe and what I’m going to do is show you the power of love.  I’m going to show you the power that this magnetic frequency of your heart can muster. Close your eyes, take some nice long deep breaths in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. As you’re breathing, I’m going to open my heart, I’m going to bring up your hologram in my space, and I’m going to entangle the hologram with you this is your hologram. This hologram is you keep breathing. I’m going to open my heart and I’m going to shine a violet gold and diamond light out from my heart through the empty space and into the hologram that is now entangled with your body with that frequency – that violet, that diamond, that electric pink I’m going to add some electric blue light and some Sirian healing codes.

I’m going to send this love and this energy into your body. Just breathe and feel. I’m going to open my heart wider and I’m to start to surround your hologram. I’m going to start to surround your physical body with this light, with this energy. It starts to swirl around you in a clockwise direction over your heads, underneath your feet around your chest, around your back.  I’m opening my heart wider and wider, and the love is now pouring into your space. I want you to breathe this frequency into your body, the frequency that is now surrounding your physicalness.

I want you to breathe inside of you and in your mind. I want you to set an intention that you’re going to say. It could be for a physical issue, injury, illness, disease. It could be some block to do with abundance. You decide right now and tell the universe the universe will communicate with me; the universe will communicate with the field of my heart. Then the frequency and the codes that I’m now sending to you. You are going to start to work on the intention that you’ve just set whatever you’ve just said. Whether you’ve said it in your mind or out aloud, it doesn’t make a blind bit of difference.  Set your intention, tell the universe, tell me, tell my heart what it is that you want from this right now. Continue to breathe. I’m going to open my heart wider.

I’m going to open my heart even wider and that love’s going to spill out from my heart into your hologram.  It’s going to flow up to your crown chakra from your heart down to your root chakra. These light codes are going to shuttle up and down your central column and they’re going to activate your own heart. They’re going to communicate with your kidneys. The light’s going to communicate with your liver, with all your vital organs. This love, this energy, this frequency, is going to flow throughout your physical body. It’s going to spill out from your physical body into your light body, your Merkabah field and you’re just going to be in this space for a moment and feel this energy. Feel this love. I’m opening my heart wider and wider, and these frequencies are pouring into you. Just be in this space. You haven’t got to do anything apart from feel and just be an experience.

You are amazing, beautiful soul. You are truly phenomenal, and I love you. Just be in this space for another 60 seconds. Feel the power of love. Next time you go into a healing session you want to tap your heart, bring your awareness into it consciously opening your heart just like I’ve done, just like I’m doing. I know you feel this connection. Allow it to pull through working on the intention that you just set. This light is intelligent, this light, this energy, is phenomenal. Love created worlds, universes, multiverses, galaxies, billions of species on billions of planets. Never deny, never question that love can heal.

Whenever you’re ready you can open your eyes. Come back into this space with me. Love is the key, beautiful soul. Opening this magical space will create miracles in your world. It will create miracles in the lives of those you go in to heal. Love is a formidable force. Never doubt love, intention, light, knowing, imagination. These are the ingredients for every single energy healing session and remember you’re not an energy healer. You facilitate the process. All you’ve got to do is bring these ingredients into the pot like a baker bakes a cake, like a baker mixes his or her ingredients. They stick them in the oven, they go to work. You set the stage, you open your heart, and the healing takes place.

There are things that you must do. Sometimes you must download codes into your clients. You’ve got to shift things in the quantum field. You’ve got to play with the code, the geometry, the mathematics. We’ll talk about that in another video. I’m going to keep sharing these energy healing secrets with you because I know that you are designed to self-feel just like me. Every single human being on this planet is designed to self-heal. We shouldn’t be in pain. We shouldn’t be suffering. We should be free. We should be whole. We should be happy, and we should live from the vibration of joy 24/7 365. If you’re not you’ve got to do that work on yourself. Love baby. It’s the key.

Wherever you are on this planet go out and love your sisters and brothers. Love them tightly. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. Hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go. You got to love fiercely; you’ve got to love ferociously. You are powerful. Shine your light ever so bright and dampen your sparkle for no one.

Remember to subscribe to this YouTube channel. Keep up to speed with all the latest videos and remember go and practice put these tools to good use practice opening your heart, connecting with the holograms of those that you want to heal and see what happens. I’m excited to find out.  Stick your comments underneath this video. I want to know the magic that you’re experiencing, beautiful soul, and you are a beautiful soul.

Remember to subscribe to this YouTube channel. Hit the notifications tab and check out our website where we’ve got some of the best ascension tools of the planet. We’ve got the very best energy healing trainings all over the globe and online. So go and check them out – I will see you again very soon. I love you, beautiful soul. Go and express your own magic.