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Energy Healing Secrets I How To Create In The Quantum Field For Rapid Healing


In this video, Jerry talks about energy healing and explains how you can create in the quantum field. The quantum field is an energetic architecture that can be changed in any way shape or form, thus giving us the opportunity to create an environment where healing can take place. Healing should be fast. It shouldn’t take time and when you know how to play with the cosmic fabric, all things are possible. Energy healing should be easy. It should also be fun. If you want to be able to facilitate the energy healing sessions of others, then listen to and watch the full Energy Healing Secrets Video Series.

Preparation is the most important part of the energy healing puzzle. The higher your vibration, the clearer you are, and the more light that is available in your physical body and your light body, the more of a powerhouse you will become. The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing protocol is very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer. If you want to be a powerful energy healer then you must practice. You must prepare your light body and you must practice daily.

These videos give everyone a basic foundation into Star Magic Facilitator Level 1 Training Experiences and what’s in store. These videos are by no means a replacement for what takes place during our training. For more info on Star Magic Training visit:

I highly recommend you go back and watch the first video in the ‘Energy Healing Secrets’ series again, and go through the entire series.


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Welcome beautiful soul. How are you feeling? So, before we get into this video, I want to remind you that every single human being on this planet can heal.  I’m no different from you. We’ve trained people all over the planet and every single human being that comes to our training walks away being able to heal.

Through this energy healing secrets series I’m going to share with you a whole heap of tools and when you start to combine these tools together, you’re going to have a whole picture of what energy healing is like and you’re going to be able to go out and heal yourself and other people quickly and efficiently with lasting results. Oh my god this is such a good time to be alive on planet earth and you know what beautiful soul you know what. There is no better time than right now to want to learn or remember how to heal. I don’t like to use that term learn because there’s nothing you can learn, and I’ve got nothing to teach you. I’m just here as a catalyst to help you remember what you already know deep inside of yourself.

Remember you’re a galactic titan that came from the stars to earth. You know this stuff already okay. You’ve just forgotten it, that’s all. So, all I’m doing is sharing with you a few simple principles to help you trigger the massive knowledge and wisdom bank that is locked in your cells locked inside of your DNA. So why is it such an amazing time to be remembering how to heal? Well, it’s very simple the world is going through so much chaos right now and more and more people need healing myself included. Anyone that tells you they don’t need a little bit of healing is lying to you or they’re full of ego. Everybody needs a little bit of healing. It’s just the truth. We wouldn’t be here on planet earth if we didn’t need a little bit of healing. We’re here to play this crazy cosmic game in these avatar bodies trying to remember and figure out to find our way back home, the thing is we’re already home, but we’ve just forgotten.

So, in this video I want to share with you something that will change the way you perceive healing when you’re going in to heal someone or facilitate the healing of someone. You have options. You can bring up their hologram. You can run codes through their hologram, you can run codes through their physical body if you’re in the same space with them, you can bring in the star constellations to heal certain body parts, organs. You can start to ask the very question that I ask at the start of every single energy healing session and that is “please show me something i don’t know to help me facilitate the healing of this incredible human being”,  and then you can start to tap the information in the fields and play the game, and if you haven’t heard that question before go back and watch the very first energy healing secrets video. There’s a link underneath this video to the very first one. Go back and watch the whole series from the start because there’s some invaluable knowledge.

Now there are many ways that you can go about the healing. I want to share something with you for some people that struggle to tap the fields or are still learning and remembering how to tap the information in the field.  If something doesn’t exist in the quantum field that you’re able to tap experience, see, feel. You can create something.  So, I might for example ask a question and say please show me something i don’t know to help me facilitate the healing of this incredible human being and I’ve got the hologram of a lady up in front of me and I’m not getting any information. Nothing’s really coming to me sat there for five minutes 10 minutes I’ve got a blank. Nothing’s really happening but this human being that’s in front of me told me before the session, “Jerry I’ve got massive pain in my left shoulder, huge amounts of pain”.

She also told me that the pain started just after her son committed suicide several years ago, and she’s had this crazy pain since. It’s absolutely destroying her and ruining her, and I’m asking please show me something I don’t know I’m trying to find the past life, the parallel reality, something in the quantum fields, something real deep that is the original trigger of what created this issue between her soul and the soul of her son. Where is the karmic trigger now 99 times out of 100 because I’ve been doing this a long time. ‘ll be able to tap that in seconds and I’ll be tapping into the past life just like that and I’ll know what to do.  I’ll bring the aspect of that soul into healing. I will collapse the timeline. I might change the timeline. There’s a number of different things that I can do once I get there.

It just depends on how I approach it and what I’m faced with but let’s say I’m getting no information.  I’ve got the hologram of this lady up in front of me i know that her son committed suicide and she’s had terrible pain in her neck ever since. Now I’m using this as an example because I had a lady when i was in New York a year or so ago doing a facilitated training who had a bad left neck and shoulder pain, and she told me that her son had committed suicide. I asked and I said please show me something I don’t know, and nothing was really coming. So, I decided to create something. What I did is I saw this vision where there were two men on a battlefield and entangled one of the men with the soul of her son and I entangled the other man with the lady that I was working with in the space in New York.

I could have used their holograms that would work too. I could have brought up the hologram of this lady’s son and said this is the hologram of (3 times). Dead or alive it doesn’t make any difference. We’re working quantumly. There’s no linear time format here so I entangled both holograms with the vision in my mind of the men that I’m seeing and what I do is I see one of the men getting hurt, injured. He’s up against a rock and he’s about to get killed. The other man which is the lady that I’m working on goes to rescue this other person, this other man that she’s on the battlefield with and what she does is she chops one of the arms from one of the opposing attackers. She gets the comrades and they run, and they get out of that situation. They have another little battle, but they get out and they get away and they’re free.

Now what you’ve got is a situation that I’ve created where a man helps another man out of a situation.  What I had before was a woman that feels that she couldn’t rescue her son, that couldn’t save her son, and she felt guilty because he committed suicide. You’ve got the son that committed suicide which is the man that was rescued, and you’ve got the woman that couldn’t save her son that now rescues the man in the battle which is the same soul as her son.

Well, that’s what I’ve created. Now I’ve got this whole vision where the two men are okay, and I’ve entangled with them, with the holograms of the son and the woman what I do is I see this whole vision. Then what I do is I get an imaginary USB stick and see this whole vision change and collapse into a stream of light. All the light flows like a river into this USB stick. I’d have it this way around and it would flow into the top. Once this whole USB stick was full of that whole vision and there was no vision left and it was all inside of here, I then stick this in the top of the woman’s hologram or the top of her head into a biological computer, her body and her brain. I download the frequency and the geometry and the information that was that whole vision which then went into the stream of light inside the USB stick. I download it into her hologram or a physical body then when i did this to the lady in New York her shoulder pain went straight away within three or four seconds.

How is that possible? it’s possible because we live in a world that is quantum. We get to create, recreate, dissolve reality and change reality if we set a strong intention, if our vision is something that we decide, as intense as the underlying cause and situation that overrides all other triggers in the quantum field spanning all past lives or parallel realities or future lives or parallel realities. It supersedes this. I then entangle this reality with these two humans or the one human or three humans depending on the situation or the healing that I’m facilitating, and I do what I just explained, and the healing takes place. This isn’t rocket science. This is about you being creative and understanding how the quantum field works. You can’t make healing any simpler.

Now some of you might say to me jerry but I can’t see and i can’t create this in my mind well. I tell you what you get two teddy bears. I can’t make this stuff anymore simple. You get two teddy bears and you entangle the teddy bears with the two people, like I just explained, and you see the two teddy bears in battle. One teddy bear is about to get hurt; the other teddy bear rescues it. You play this out in your mind. You can play this out in your physical space and then you dissolve it and entangle the energy and the frequency and the code of the reality with the teddy bears going into the hologram of the humans.

I could use a pair of sunglasses and some essential oils. The sunglasses are in trouble and the essential oils come to rescue the sunglasses. Okay now this this might sound a little bit crazy to some of you. I’ve been doing this stuff for several years now and it works. We’ve trained thousands of people all over the planet from every single walk of life, black, white, rich, poor, pretty much every language under the sun. Old people 93 years old. I’ve trained eight-year-olds. There’s no one that can’t do this. Okay, with star magic we make it easy. what I’m doing with these first few energy healing secrets videos is giving you some fundamental principles and we’re going to go into some more technical stuff. This is box-standard simple healing when it comes to Star Magic. This is so simple.

You can’t get it any easier than this. Please show me something I don’t know to help me facilitate the healing of this incredible human being. If nothing comes, breathe, relax, and analyse the situation. Now this lady may not have told me any information and so I may not have that to go off, but it doesn’t mean I can’t create something where she had a bad shoulder in another reality and heal the thing that created the bad shoulder in another reality. That will then flow down into this reality too. Everything’s entangled. When you set the entanglement up and set the intention up in the right way, everything can be created and uncreated. You’ve just got to use your imagination and remember imagination is reality. Imagination, the image of the nation, beautiful soul.

Oh my gosh you’re so incredible. Do you know that. If you looked in the mirror today and said you’re awesome because you should do that every morning because you are an awesomely extraordinarily mesmerizingly exceptional human just like all your sisters and brothers on this planet creating in the quantum fields when you can’t see, when you can’t feel, when you’re getting zero information. I want you to practice it. I want you to bring up the hologram of someone that you know has something going on with them and ask them the question “please show me something I don’t know.” Hopefully you won’t see anything or get any information and you can practice this. If you do you may want to ignore what you’re seeing and what you’re experiencing and play the game a different way just so you can practice this way. This technique is super awesome.

I love you, beautiful soul. You are totally incredible. Please know that all the answers to all your questions are in here and I’ve got nothing to teach you. I’m not teacher, I’m no guru, I’m just a kid from the streets who remembered his power and now I want to help you remember yours and step fully into it so you can embrace your full human potential.

Please subscribe to this YouTube channel. Hit the notifications tab and stay up to speed with all these latest videos. Underneath this video is the link to the very first energy healing secrets video go and watch it and go through the series and remember to share it with your friends and your family. we all need a little bit of healing.

If you want to discover some of the best ascension tools on the planet then go over to and check out infinity – meditations, light language transmissions, essential nutrition, healing videos, yoga videos, cosmic yoga, so much more. We got the best ascension tools on the planet. I’m telling you go and check it out and if you want to watch some videos on some of our energy healing training sessions go to the website and check those out too.

If you’ve got any questions connect with us, or put your questions in the box underneath this video. I love you, beautiful soul. You’re incredible. Go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly, so, so, tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging –  never ever be the first to let go ever, even if you’ve got to stay there for three days. Never let go first. Love fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again very, very soon.



