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Energy Healing Secrets I How To Heal Using The Stars


In this video, Jerry talks about energy healing explains how you can use the stars to heal others. Each body part marries a Star Constellation and once you set up your hologram, open your heart and connect, through your intention, the person you are working on to the relevant Star System, the magic really happens. Energy healing should be easy. It should also be fun. If you want to be able to facilitate the energy healing sessions of others, listen to and watch the full Energy Healing Secrets Video Series. Preparation is the most important part of the energy healing puzzle. The higher your vibration, the clearer you are, and the more light that is available in your physical body and your light body, the more of a powerhouse you will become. The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing protocol is very much needed for effective distance healing.

Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer. if you want to be a powerful energy healer then you must practice. You must prepare your light body and you must practice daily.

I highly recommend you go back and watch the first video in the ‘Energy Healing Secrets’ series again, and go through the entire series.


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Welcome beautiful soul. How can you use the stars to heal at distance, to heal in person? How can you use the stars to heal yourself.

If you’ve watched the first few energy healing secrets videos, then you will know we’ve spoken about holograms and anything you do to another human being you’re doing to yourself. Healing is always every single time a two-way process. You’re never going to go out and facilitate the healing of anyone without tapping into your own consciousness too. It’s always the way so these energy healing secrets that I’m sharing with you are multifaceted multi-purpose.

Today I want to share with you the importance of the stars. Okay before I do that let me remind you that every single human being on the planet can heal or facilitate the healing of other people or animals or whatever it is.  I’m no different from you. I was a kid from the streets who had a crazy spiritual awakening and went on a different path. Since we started star magic four years ago, we’ve trained thousands of people all over the planet – dustbin men, firemen, doctors, nurses, lawyers. We’ve trained sports men and women. We’ve trained pharmacists, trained butchers, we’ve trained massage therapists, we’ve trained a whole array of different healers, upskilling them and upgrading them.  But my point is we’ve trained people from all walks of life. Rich people, poor people.  we’ve trained people from China to South America and everywhere in between – Russia Bulgaria Holland England Ireland Scotland Wales France Portugal Spain Dubai India.

There isn’t one human being that has been to our training and leaves not being able to heal. So just in case you’re sat there thinking can I do this, maybe jerry’s a little bit different or maybe this human being or this healer, maybe they’re a little bit special. Absolutely not, beautiful soul. I’m a human just like you. I bleed just like you do. I’ve got arms legs hands feet eyes a tongue iron cold blood coursing through my veins. I’ve got a heart that beeps thousands of times every single day and I don’t even have to ask it just like you. We’re no different. If you look into my eyes, you’re going to see the same thing as if you look into your eyes and most other human beings on this planet. I won’t say all because not all humans are humans but that’s a whole other story. The point is you can heal.

Now let’s talk about the stars.  Every single body part from the feet to the head and the human nervous system links to a star constellation in our zodiac we have 13 constellations 28 days spread across 13 months with the day out of time included just like the Mayans but one of those months was taken away and the calendar was changed we all know this stuff. The thirteenth constellation is Ophiuchus and right now on planet earth it’s an interesting time because you’ve got Scorpio uh coming into mars, the end of October coming into Scorpio with that sting in its tail coming into Mars the god of war moving through the snake bearer, shedding the old skin and bringing through the divine feminine interesting times and off for you.

This is the constellation that links to the human nervous system. Pisces links to the feet and the bones in the toes everything inside of the feet as well as the feet and the toes. You’ve got Aquarius for the ankles the calves the shins the muscles running through the area the bones running through that area. You’ve got Capricorn for the knees, Sagittarius thighs hamstrings. You’ve got libra hips buttocks. You’ve got Scorpio the genitals. You’ve got Virgo, which is the stomach area, navel area and all those organs around there.  You’ve got Leo which is the whole back and the heart. You’ve got cancer which is the chest area. You’ve got Gemini which is shoulders running down to the fingers on both sides. You’ve got Taurus which is the neck and the throat. You’ve got Aries the head and face and Ophiuchus links to the human nervous system.

If you want to heal yourself or want to heal another human, you simply bring up the hologram if you’re working on yourself you, you’d say this is the hologram of and you’d say your name always train people to say it three times. Three is creation solidify it make sure you get that quantum entanglement bang on and then go to work on the hologram.

You’ve just got to connect to the constellation. You don’t need to know where it is in space because it’s everywhere. We’re working quantumly not linearly so all you’ve got to do is set that massive intention to connect to the constellation of Ophiuchus and run it then through the nervous system. You’ve got to connect to the constellation of Virgo if you want to heal the intestines or anything in this area and so on throughout the body. You might want to watch this video again and go through and take the notes, so you know where all the constellations link into. Now for example if you wanted to work on someone’s kidneys. In the background here you bring in the constellation of Leo and I’d also bring in the constellation of Virgo. Those two constellations at the same time and run them because they both kind of concentrate on that area. Now you might want to run these frequencies for a few minutes 10 seconds 5 minutes. You might want to run it until the pain subsides or eases up whatever is going on now.

Someone might have something emotional going on. For example, guilt is stored in the liver and the kidneys so you might want to run Leo and Virgo into this area to remove the guilt. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something physical but you’re working on something physical, majestic, or esoteric to get a mental emotional physical or spiritual result. Everything is intertwined and linked together.  This is very simple. You can run all constellations at the same time and what I’m going to do in a subsequent video is give you a code to run all these frequencies at the same time. We’re going to start talking about codes a lot as we move through these energy healing secret videos but these first sort of 8 9 10 videos, I want to give you all the basics and then we’ll start moving into things that are a lot more interesting, a little bit more complex. At the same time, they simplify the healing sessions that you go into.

Now if you’re working on yourself remember to bring up your own hologram. It makes life a whole lot easier, and it puts you into good stead and good practice for when you do work on yourself or other people at distance.  It’s important beautiful soul that you are really in your cosmic heart, that you are a galactic titan, and you came from the stars with so much knowledge and wisdom. It’s all inside of this magical vessel that we call the home of your soul, your physical body in your cells, in your DNA.  You were designed to self-heal. You were designed to be powerful not some meek feeble little human that runs around this planet trying to figure it out and get by. You came here with colossal knowledge and the more you tap into your own heart and the more you work with these videos and techniques that I’m sharing with you the more power the more love, the more energy and light, and the more potential you’re going to tap. You will be colossal, gigantic extraordinary being gracing these earthly planes.

You do the work. I’m sharing these techniques with you so you can use them, so you can play with them, so you can work on yourself and other people and get phenomenal results and the more results you get the more your confidence is going to grow and then you’re going to start to trust even more. Remember in the last video that I shared when we talked about the baker baking a cake and trust if you’ve not watched that video. Go and watch it. It was the last one in the energy healing secrets series. All these videos are important. Underneath this video you’re going to find the link to the very first energy healing secrets video. I suggest you go and watch it and go through the series if you haven’t done so already.

I love you so much and I want you to step into your power and be the authentic loving compassionate mesmerizing geometrical being that you came to this planet to be. That’s why I’m sharing these tools so use them, they’re free. If you want to find out anything more, you can check out our website Go and check out the trainings. We’ve got online and in person all over the world. Now we’re doing them online there’s no excuse to be missing out. All these energy healing secrets videos that I’m sharing with you are going to put you in good stead for the training or this may be as far as you want to go. Either way i love you unconditionally.

Remember you didn’t come here to play small you came here to play gigantic so go out and smile go out and shine. Go out and love and hug your sisters and brothers ever so tightly and remember beautiful soul the golden rule of hugging is never, ever, ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.

Remember Ophiuchus bound to Pisces at the feet and all those constellations in between. They work very, very, efficiently. So go and use them. Don’t worry about the colours of the frequencies. Just connect to the stars. They’ll do the work. You don’t need to be able to see, you don’t need to be able to feel, you just got to set that intention, bring up the hologram, and if you can’t see the hologram create it and if you don’t know how to create it go to the link underneath this video and watch the very first video in the energy healing secrets series.

I love you, beautiful soul. You rock to the next universe and back. Remember to subscribe to this YouTube channel. Hit the notifications tab and remember share it with your friends and your family with your loved ones. Together we really can make this world a much more harmonious place. Teamwork is the key baby. I’ll see you again real soon.



