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Energy Healing Secrets I Radically Shift Your Vibration In 27 Days


In this video, Jerry talks about energy healing and takes you through an experience where you will radically shift your vibration. The quantum field is an energetic architecture that can be changed in any way shape or form, using codes and frequencies. Healing should be fast. It shouldn’t take time and when you know how to play with the cosmic fabric, all things are possible. Energy healing should be easy. It should also be fun. If you want to be able to facilitate the energy healing sessions of others, listen to and watch the full Energy Healing Secrets Video Series.

Preparation is the most important part of the energy healing puzzle. The higher your vibration, the clearer you are, and the more light that is available in your physical body and your light body, the more of a powerhouse you will become. The frequency of the heart is mission-critical to all energy healing sessions. This energy healing protocol is very much needed for effective distance healing. Distance healing is no harder or easier than hands-on healing and using a hologram makes it even easier. Discover and use these energy healing secrets and become a powerful energy healer. if you want to be a powerful energy healer then you must practice. You must prepare your light body and you must practice daily.

These videos give everyone a basic foundation into Star Magic Facilitator Level 1 Training Experiences and what’s in store. These videos are by no means a replacement for what takes place during our training. For more info on Star Magic Training visit:

I highly recommend you go back and watch the first video in the ‘Energy Healing Secrets’ series again, and go through the entire series.


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Hey there beautiful soul. How are you feeling? Welcome to this energy healing secrets video. Today I want to share with you a transmission, a very specific transmission, poignant for the times that we’re going through here on planet earth as individuals and as a species.

I want you to breathe into your body and just be in this space with me and I want to remind you that I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being as my sister as my brother. We are one beautiful soul. So, breathe into your body and be in this space with me.

This video is for everyone but specifically I want men to take heed. Women and natural protectors. Women naturally have that lioness motherly energy that want to protect their young, their cubs, their family. Men partially are the same, but men have carried a different energy for a long time and that energy is often the energy of the predator and what we need to do as a human species is shift that energy from predator to protector.

Continue to breathe into your body beautiful soul. Be in this space with me. Breathe deeper and longer and slower and just feel the home of your soul.  Let the weight of the world fall away from your shoulders. Nothing else matters right now apart from you being here in this space with me letting go surrendering and allowing for centuries the divine masculine energy has been pointed in the wrong direction. What we need to do is to point in the right direction. We want to maintain that ferocious masculine energy in men and in women, in males and in females. It’s imperative but we need to shift into the flow, into the mould of the protector.

So, this transmission as well as being a healing transmission where you will feel shifts in your physical body on several levels.  I’m going to transmit some codes to you and these codes are to awaken that protector energy inside of you. Whether you’re female or male you can see your sisters and brothers of planet earth as divine sovereign beings that need to be looked after that need to be held that need to be supported and you’d protect them just as a lion or a lioness would protect their cubs, their young. You would protect your sisters and brothers of earth in the very same way some people are stronger than others. Some people are more intelligent than others. Everyone has their own unique skill set and for those men and women that are protectors that are strong it’s time for you to ignite this divine spark within you.

So, breathe into your body beautiful song and i want you to close your eyes or you can keep your eyes open. It’s entirely up to you. I’m not here to tell you what to do but maybe when you feel this transmission it may be better for you with your eyes closed on the other hand, we’ve trained many men and women who love to meditate with their eyes open and get phenomenal results. Again, we’re all unique individuals that make up a colossal collective of unique beings and the magic is in the uniqueness.

Breathe through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth.  Take long slow deep breaths and just know that you’re amazing know that you’re extraordinary and that you’re loved by your sisters and brothers from the stars beyond the veil of illusion. I love you; the trees love you; the whales dolphins and turtles love you. Mountain ranges all over planet earth they love you and earth herself loves you like one of her children. Breathe into your magical body and feel this and as we’re breathing together in this space, I’m going to open my heart and a golden light is going to flow from my heart through the empty space to yours. Allow this golden light to flow into your heart allow it to flow up to your crown chakra down to your perineum allow this golden light to flow up and down your central channel. Nice and gently. It’s a soft connection at the same time a powerful connection.

For those of you that are new to energy healing secrets there is no time distance and measurement in the quantum field. Healing is instantaneous. Allow this golden light to flow from my heart to yours and feel the love and at the same time you’ll become aware of a crystal white light that starts to flow in through the walls of your space down through the ceiling up through the floor. This powerful crystalline white frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it over your heads underneath your feet around your chest around your back swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger.

As this crystal white light flows around the outside of your physical body like a crystal white tornado, I want you to breathe this frequency in. Breathe it in through your nose up into your mind. Feel it, see it, know that it’s flowing into your left brain, into your right brain, flowing around the outside of your skull down through your heads your face your neck your throats through your shoulders your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle back, lower back, into your buttocks, your heart, your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ. It flows through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings through your knees, your calves, past your shins, into your ankles, through your feet, all the way to the tips of your toes. It flows through your shoulders down your arms through your elbows your forearms your wrists into your hands, fingers, and thumbs.

Continue to breathe in this crystal white light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing.  I’m going to place my hands over the back of your heart. My right hand over the back of your heart and my left hand over your sacral area. I’m going to start to run some diamond frequencies in through the back of your hearts, in through your belly. These diamond codes are going to flow into your spinal column and start to communicate with those 33 vertebrae. I’m working on you. I want you to become aware of an electric pink sphere in your heart and as you become aware of this electric pink sphere a stream an electromagnetic stream of pink light starts to flow from it up through your chest up through your throat up into your third eye.

Then electric pink sphere starts to form around the outside of your pineal gland, and it starts to grow and expand. The sphere in your hearts also starts to grow and expand the two of them grow 360 degrees in all directions. The one around your pineal gland starts to fill up the inside of your mind. The one in your heart starts to fill up your chest and both expand and expand. The one in your mind expands out past the boundaries of your physical body. So is the one in your chest. The bottom of the top one and the top of the box bottom one start to merge they start to interweave with each other both growing and expanding. Allow them to grow and expand and allow these two frequencies to merge as one until they expand out past the boundaries of your physical body fully where you have these two electric pink spheres completely entangled with each other and at the same time separate. They grow to three meters in diameter each and then they stop.

Allow yourself to be encompassed in these two electric pink spheres as these diamond colds run up and down your spinal column from your roots to your cranium up and down. They communicate with your heart to your higher heart, and your pineal gland, as they flow from your cranium through those ventricles. I’m going to open my heart wider and allow that golden light to flow fast and furious. At the same time, you’ll become aware of an inverted emerald-green pyramid 90 centimetres above your crown chakra spinning in a clockwise direction. As you continue to breathe into this powerful body of yours that emerald-green pyramid spins faster and faster. I want you to become aware in your hearts of the diamonds Merkabah, two tetrahedrons this diamond Merkabah in your heart represents the protector. It represents the divine father and the divine mother. It represents the divine child. It represents any parallel realities that your soul is experiencing where you’ve been a warrior a warrior of light fighting to protect, fighting to serve in a positive fashion.

Continue to breathe into your body and feel that diamond Merkabah spinning in your heart as the pyramid up above you spin in a clockwise direction. It starts to draw in frequencies. These are activation codes. They start to flow in from the ether, from the cosmic fabric, into that inverted emerald pyramid which spins faster and faster up above your crown in a clockwise direction collecting in these activation codes. They race inside the pyramid coming from different frequency bands for the 5D 6D 7D. Also, from 3d from realities that you’ve had on earth and from realities that you’ve experienced on other planets and other stars.

Codes are flowing in from frequency bands all over the universe. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero the apex of this emerald-green pyramid is going to open that stream of cosmic energy is going to flow down through your crown through your body and in through the top apex of the Merkabah in your heart. It’s going to activate this warrior energy and light, information is going to start to flow from the cosmic fabric containing the energy frequencies, the energy patterns, the energy signatures of realities that you’ve had where you’ve been a divine protector. Just allow this to take place and just to breathe these frequencies in. Five four three two one zero. The apex of that inverted emerald pyramid opens and light flows down through your crown through your throat through your chest into the Merkabah in your heart. Boom those light frequencies explode in the centre.

The top tetrahedron spins faster so does the bottom one. They spin faster and faster as those codes download into this Merkabah. Streams of light flow from the Merkabah out through the fields 360 degrees in all directions. Thousands of streams of lights flow through the cosmic fabric reaching out to quantum spaces where you’ve had realities or are having realities in the quantum space because there is no future and past. Light information energy signatures and energy patterns are now flowing back through these cosmic streams back through the empty space and into this Merkabah. The energy starts to flow into your body that diamond Merkabah now starts to expand it starts to grow it grows taller.

It grows wider and it continues to fill up your body. It rapidly expands out past the boundaries of your physical body. The top apex going up over your crown, the bottom apex down below your roots towards your knees that Merkabah fits around your physical body, the bottom tetrahedron, the apex of it is down in your feet. The top apex up over your head, up over your crown, the top tetrahedron spinning clockwise the bottom one anti-clockwise. Allow these tetrahedrons to spin creating a powerful force and electromagnetic fields within your body and around your body igniting that divine spark within your consciousness, allowing that protector energy, that protector avatar consciousness to flow through every cell every atom every molecule.

I’m going to open my heart wider as the frequencies are continuing to flow from the emerald pyramid down into your heart space. They start to flow throughout your physical body. They flow throughout the Merkabah field. As that diamond Merkabah spins faster and faster it interlocks and interlaces with your own Merkabah field creating a powerful force, a powerful energy. Just be in this space and feel this and as you feel this, I want you to consciously bring your awareness into your heart and open it. Feel it opening, see it opening and blooming like a magical flower, and see lights energy frequency flowing out from the infinite depths of your cosmic heart into the space around you. Feel that love, allow that love to flow up through your body into your crown. Allow it to flow into your left and right brain allow it to flow down through your legs into your ankles feet and toes allow that love to spill out through the Merkabah. Allow it to fill up the room the space that you’re in. Open your heart wide as I am doing the same right now beautiful soul.

I’m going to place both of my hands over your knees and I’m going to start to run in some healing frequencies. Just allow them to flow through your body their intelligence we don’t need to tell them what to do. They know exactly what you need continue to breathe into your body and allow the codes to flow down into your heart as those streams of light continue to flow from the Merkabah field out through the cosmos collecting realities, energy signatures, connecting with you powerful versions of you in the quantum field and they are being brought back into this now space, the only space that truly matters. I’m going to start to run some Merkabas out from my hands. They’re going to flow through your knees and into your body. There’s several of them, eight in total. Allow these tiny little merkabas to flow around your body up and down your legs through your hips, racing around your stomach, your chest, your back. They’ll race up and around the inside of your mind clearing you and cleansing. It happens ever so fast. Just allow them to work and then they’ll come back into my hands.

When they’re ready allow yourself to be in this space as i open my heart wide connecting with you as my sister or brother one love, one light, one heart, one code, one consciousness, one family. There is no separation there is no division we are connected by the most powerful measurable force in the entire universe, unconditional love, cosmic energy, source, it’s what you are. You created this experience you created this world you created this reality. You are powerful beyond measure and there is no system, no government, no corporation, no group of people that can change you. Only you can change you. Make up your own rules and regulations. Play the game as you see fit. Be the protector that you came to planet earth to be. Fight for what’s right. Stand up for what’s right in a peaceful and positive fashion and as a warrior, a divine protector. If you need to go to war you need to go to war. It can happen but it should never be your first port of call.

Peace, love, unity, honour, integrity, and freedom, and maintaining balance in the field – this is your mission, but you know deep inside of you that that inner warrior lies there, and simply by carrying that warrior energy that warrior, the light of the lion the lioness the protector 99 times out of 100. You will create peace and order by simply being you and simply carrying this energy. Let it flood through you let it fuel you. You are amazing. Those merkabas flowing back into my hands out from your body out from your hologram back into my heart. This Merkabah field, this diamond Merkabah field, is going to stay spinning around the outside of you. It’s going to get stronger and stronger as you’re vibrating in this space. That emerald-pyramid inverted up above you starts to move down. It starts to flow down towards your crown your crown chakra opens like a thousand petalled multi-coloured lotus flower, and that emerald pyramid shrinks down and moves through your crown. It fits neatly around your pineal nerve where it’s going to continue to spin and collect in these codes as your crown chakra closes.

The electric pink spheres they start to shrink they get smaller and smaller moving back inside your physical body one fitting neatly around your pineal gland, one nestling back down into your heart. Those diamond codes are still racing up and down your spinal column. Just be in this space for another 60 seconds and then open our eyes. You are a galactic titan. You came from the stars to earth, and you came here to shine ever so bright you came here to be magic, to be a walking talking living breathing miracle of truth. Allow yourself to be that truth choose love over fear every single time dampen that magical galactic sparkle for no one. Create your own rules and regulations and connect with sisters and brothers that share the same dreams as you.

Another 30 seconds. Start to breathe into your body and become aware of that breath once again. I want you to come back and do this transmission and go through this process every day for 27 days. I’m going to challenge you right now because doing this for 27 days is going to send your frequency into overdrive. Things will shift in your life in ways that you have no words to describe. Be disciplined and commit to this. It’s 27 days out of your life. This is day number one. You’ve only got 26 more to go. Become aware of the in-breath and the out breath and the space in between as you realize it’s the space between the in-breath and the out-breath that keeps you alive like the space between the notes creates the music and the space between the bars catches the light.

Start to become aware of the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero when we get to zero open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be take your time there’s no hurry. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Feel your body feel your energy feel the space be here be now feel the love. I love you so much as my sister or brother. Feel your kidneys smiling right now. Feel them. Feel your liver smile. Feel your heart smiling, your lungs, your stomach, your spleen, your large and small intestine. Feel your spinal column. Each one of those vertebrae is smiling. Your pineal gland smiling.

Life is truly magical you’re like a white witch or a wizard an alchemist. Know this beautiful soul you have the ability the potential to shift reality, to manipulate reality, to change the quantum fields. In your physical space come back and do this for another 26 days. I challenge you. If you truly are dedicated to this spiritual mission and unleashing the magic and the wisdom from your DNA come back and do this for another 26 days. I want you to put your comments underneath this video. I’m really interested because I know the results of what happens when you do this for 27 days. It’s phenomenal. So go and do it. Commit to it. If you miss a day you do have to start again so don’t miss a day. You can even put it on before you go to bed. You can listen to it as you’re sleeping. Your subconscious mind will track everything that’s happening, and the process will unfold whether you’re conscious or unconscious. I always find this to do it consciously but if time is a limiting factor don’t let it stop you.

You came to earth to unlock all of you and to be superhuman and a big part of that is unleashing and unlocking this divine protector that lies deep within you. It’s now rising to the surface ready to step forwards into this world and protect your sisters and brothers like your cubs like a lion or a lioness. I love you so much beautiful soul. Thank you for being in this space with me. We truly are one and together we can make this world a much more harmonious place. Please subscribe to this YouTube channel and share these videos with your friends, your family, and your loved ones. Remember to hit the notifications tab and stay up to speed with all these videos. If this is the first energy healing secrets video that you watched, then go to the link underneath this video. It will take you back to the very first one and I suggest you go through the whole series. I share some powerful ways, techniques that you can heal yourself and others and create magic in your own universe. They will help you so much.

if you want to know more about what we do with star magic then check out our website The training programs, the training experiences that we run are far beyond what I’m sharing with you in these energy healing secrets videos. But these energy healing secrets videos are important to give you a base level to point you in the right direction and to show you how easy it is to heal. On the star magic website, you’ll find out more about our training. You’ll also have access to infinity all of our ascension tools, meditations. light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, healing videos, and more and you’ll also be able to connect with the tribe one on one through our private telegram group. So, you can connect with other like-hearted souls just like you which is magical because sometimes we feel a little bit lost on this journey. Sometimes we feel a little bit alone but know this you’re never alone, never. You’ve got yourself and that’s what’s important and there are many like you wandering these earthly planes. I’m one of them. There are many others so connect with us.

Remember to go out into this world. Love fiercely, love ferociously, hug tightly, and never ever be the first to let go of a hug. That’s the golden rule of hugging beautiful soul. Never be the first to let go,  and as I said love fiercely and ferociously because the world needs that right now to bust through the programming, to bust through the matrix, to shine that magical light.  I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul.



