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2 Days Of Divinity, Bucharest, Romania

January 27, 2018 - January 28, 2018

be fearless jerry sargeant


Workshop “2 ZILE DE DIVINITATE” susţinut de Jerry Sargeant
27-28 ianuarie 2018, Bucuresti
Meditaţii puternice şi vindecări energetice cu coduri de lumină Star Magic Healing
Acesta este un weekend extraordinar al energiei vindecătoare și al iluminării. Jerry vă va însoţi timp de 2 zile în această călătorie experimentală extraordinară în care, cu ajutorul unei serii de meditaţii la un nivel subtil de frecvenţă, veţi experimenta o ridicare treptată a gradului de conştienţă.
Jerry vă va călăuzi într-o călătorie prin școlile misterelor maeştrilor ascensionați, unde veți ajunge să simţiți energii din densitatea a 5-a și a 6-a atât de pure și puternice, încât vă vor transforma viața în această realitate 3D.
Vă veți întâlni cu fiinţe de lumină puternice, veţi primi descărcări de coduri de lumină şi ridicari ale frecvenţei ce vor propulsa procesul vostru de ascensiune. Star Magic vă va arăta cum să vă conectaţi la baza de date universală pentru a obţine transformări rapide.
Acest curs este o călătorie ce activează capacităţi de vindecare prin energia luminii. Lumina este informaţie care vine sub formă de coduri prin soarele nostru de la Soarele Central, un portal cosmic. Iar în acest moment sunt curenţi cu vibraţie înaltă din alte universuri, care ne impregnează planeta.
Ce avem nevoie să facem, ca fiinţe umane, este să acceptăm această lumină, despre care majoritatea oamenilor nu cunosc nimic. Ei sunt atât de absorbiţi de această realitate 3D încât nu ştiu despre codurile de lumină, nu ştiu că lumina reprezintă informaţie, nu ştiu că permanent vin prin soare mesaje, curenţi de lumină, informaţii de la Sursă, de la câmpuri, de la punctul focal ce a creat acest univers, Dumnezeu, Spirit, oricum am vrea să-l numim. Este o forţă foarte puternică a Creaţiei care ne-a creat pe noi toţi şi tot ceea ce există: soarele, luna, planetele care se află în galaxia noastră, nemaivorbind de universurile dincolo de cel al nostru.
Contact romania@starmagichealing.org
Prin urmare, ne vom conecta în aceste 2 zile cu Divinitatea atotcreatoare. Weekend-ul va fi pregatit perfect pentru a vă putea relaxa, bucura, şi pentru a vă permite să vă extindeți conștiința în moduri infinite. Vă puteţi aștepta la transformări masive !

Tickets 222 Euros

Want Transformation? You’ve come to the right SPACE.

Jerry’s facilitation of a group sound healing was incredible as energies of the group were threaded together and interwoven, healed, made whole. I felt the sensation of energy filling through my feet and codes rushing through my legs. The sense of warmth in the room by the end of the weekend was something you wanted to bathe in. Star Magic is a true connection experience inside and out, allowing you to explore in, and navigate the vibrant startling depths of the youniverse.

Natalie Passant UK

‘I’ve been to meditation retreats and spiritual workshops for 35 years. I’ve taken medicinal plants several times. Never have I experienced anything like this Star Magic Workshop. Jerry, you took the entire group on a life transforming journey and it touched my soul in every way. I will be joining you again and recommending you to everyone I know.’

Andy Brent UK

‘Meeting St Germain in his mystery school was the making of my weekend. The shift that took place within me during this meditation was out of this world. I shook from head to toe and the light pulsating through me was so strong. My vibration has shot up. I feel so so good and so confident. You have a special gift Jerry.’

Elaine M. UK

I have studied with the amazing shamans in Peru, Brazil and Columbia as well as other impeccable teachers from all of the world. I have taken every medicinal planet going and had experience after experience but I can honestly say that I have never experienced the relentless unfolding and elevation of my vibrations as I have with Jerry Sargeant. He is from another planet. And that is a good thing. Extraordinary in fact.’

Bart Rawling, Editor UK

Deep Frequency Encoded Meditation & Energy Healing Workshop 

This is a Paradigm Shifter!

Jerry will take you on an incredible deep meditation and group energy healing journey.  ‘2 days of divinity’.

A Turbo-Charged Group Healing & Transformation Workshop held in Bucharest, Romania

Extraordinary weekend of healing energy and enlightenment – Be a part of something very special.

Jerry will guide you on a journey of Self-Discovery which will elevate your life to a level beyond extraordinary.

During this weekend Jerry will guide you on a journey through the etheric Mystery Schools of the ascended masters where you will get to experience a light and an energy so pure and powerful. It will transform your life in this 3D reality, forever. You will connect with many powerful beings, receive powerful light-encoded downloads and frequency upgrades that will catapult your ascension process. We are moving from 3rd density and bouncing between 4th and 5th on a regular basis. This workshop will raise your vibration so you can play in these higher frequency fields regularly.

This will not be an easy workshop. You will be pushed, stretched and taken way beyond your current paradigm and as your entire reality structure crumbles around you and a new, empowering and inspirational one is created. Be ready to step into the unknown, where magic and miracles will become your new normal. Its time to step fully into your power and be your super-human self.

The weekends space will be perfectly held so you can relax, enjoy, let go and expand your consciousness in infinite ways.

The Weekend’s Journey

What can you expect?

A series of deep healing meditations designed to break down your current paradigm and shift your entire reality.

Powerful Group Energy Healing

A series of deep healing meditations designed to lay the foundation and create your new reality by connecting you, at the core of your being, to the frequency of unconditional love. You will be brought into ecstasy as you re-connect with those galactic aspects of your  spiritual warrior self.

Frequency Encoded Meditations that will set up your Sphere of Abundance

Discussion time mixed in between the meditations to deal with anything that arises throughout the weekend.

This weekend is breath taking. It will change your life forever. You will leave this workshop a different human being. Get ready to be empowered.

Jerry will open himself fully and take you on the most incredible journey of your life

You will leave this workshop a different human being. After visiting the spaces Jerry guides you too… there is NO other option!

Expect Transformation!

Tickets 222 Euros

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