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3rd Eye Activation & Live Fearlessly Workshop, Malaga, Spain

October 7, 2017 - October 8, 2017

3rd eye activation spain

Want Transformation? You’ve come to the right SPACE.




Star Magic is YOUR Tansformational Key to Healing, Activating Your 3rd Eye & the Abundance Blueprint

During our early life we start collecting information that determines our programming. Genetic, social and cultural aspects will contribute to this programming. Over the years these pictures and programs we collect will govern the way we use our energy. We hold the information in our subtle energy systems and it determines how the energy moves through our field, something Star Magic knows as the Channelled Network of Light (CNL).

The pictures or programs will remain there until such time as we start to realise that we create our experiences with the patterns of light we hold. You could say that some are good and some are bad. In reality there is no good or bad, just simple experiences.


This is the Most Powerful Two Day Workshop on Planet Earth. 


The 3rd Eye is also a Star Gate which give you access to the infinite depths of our cosmic Universe. You can travel to other planets, inhabited worlds and connect with our Star Families and heal at the deepest possible level. 
Jerry Sargeant, the founder of Star Magic Healing, will guide you on this extraordinary, experiential journey. Though a series of individual and group exercises, deep frequency encoded healing meditations (geared specifically to opening your 3rd eye) and specific 3rd eye opening techniques. You are guaranteed to experience a massive shift on your awareness as your consciousness expands and your frequency elevates as you connect to the Cosmic Web and get access to what Jerry’s refers to as, the Universal Data Base. 
We, as incarnated souls – surf on historical evolutionary waves. The wave that just rose is unique – let’s ride it together as one human family through time and space on this magical journey of a life time. We are going and elevate our personal vibration, heal each other and send a galactic vortex of love into the ocean of universal consciousness, that ripples through this beautiful green and blue planet we call home, hovering in infinite space. If you want to connect with the deepest aspects of your own soul, ignite your inner wisdom and dive into the magical and mystical world of the invisible Universe, then be on this workshop.

This weekend is will create a space so all of the above and so much more will happen.


The event starts at 10.30am and finishes at 5.30pm on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th October 2017.

This will be the first time Jerry has been in Spain, sharing a number of these 3rd Eye Opening techniques and it is promised to be one heaven of a journey. If you want to kick start your spiritual journey or are way down deep already and want to go the next level, or beyond, then this powerful workshop is for you.

Its time to heighten your senses, see beyond this world of illusion and open up your inner storehouse of wisdom.

This is going to blow your mind – literally. You will leave this workshop seeing/feeling/knowing life, completely differently.

This weekend is breath taking. It will change your life forever. You will leave this workshop a different human being. Get ready to be empowered. Prepare to bathe in some of the wondrous new high frequency energies now available.

 Fasten Your Seat Belt – Expect Transformation.


Jerry’s facilitation of a group sound healing was incredible as energies of the group were threaded together and interwoven, healed, made whole. I felt the sensation of energy filling through my feet and codes rushing through my legs. The sense of warmth in the room by the end of the weekend was something you wanted to bathe in. Star Magic is a true connection experience inside and out, allowing you to explore in and navigate the vibrant startling depths of the youniverse.

Natalie Passant UK

‘I went to a Star Magic Workshop out of curiosity. My friends and partner had experienced it and kept on and on about it. I didn’t believe them. I thought half of it was completely made up. Aliens, Unicorns, Dragons and all of these crazy stories. So I went a long. In the first group healing I burst out crying. It was uncontrollable and I didn’t know why I was crying. I ended up on the floor, sobbing. Even though I was in a room full of strangers I felt safe and comfortable. It felt like I was with family. Once I stopped crying I got up and felt so light. Each meditation and healing took me further. I could literally feel heaviness, like concrete being extracted from my body. I just sat their thinking is this really happening to me. After the workshop was over I was sitting on the train going home and I was also floating above the carriage looking back down in at myself. I was in 2 places at once. I was observing myself. My life has gone into overdrive since. I have a new job which I love. I have lost 3 stone in weight and I am very happy. Everyday seems like a dream and I know it will last forever.’

Leslie Ball Make-Up Artist Bristol UK

‘I have been frustrated for years, not being able to see or feel energy consistently. After attending the 3rd Eye Activation I just opened up. I was working with a client, being a fellow healer and I saw her aura and a complete run down of energetic blockages, within her etheric body. I knew exactly how to heal her, and fast. This workshop transformed me and my business. Jerry just seems to make it so clear. He has elevated my frequency and he did my friends, who also came to the workshop with me. It’s powerful and I highly recommend it.’

Samantha Green Master Reiki Practitioner 

‘If you get the chance to attend a Star Magic Workshop GO! It will shed a light on your life that I only believe only Star Magic can do, and I have been to many healers in the East and Western Worlds. But this is something else. It’s off the chart beautiful. My light completely left my body and I experienced LOVE. A love that is beyond the love that I knew. I thought I would have to pass back to spirit fully to experience this but no, Jerry guided me to this expansive and infinite layer of indescribable beauty. I am coming to your next workshop.’

R.T Landers Architect, London UK

‘I borrowed the money to come to a Star Magic Workshop. I just knew I had to be there and meet Jerry. I didn’t know why but I knew he could help me. I had lost my job, girlfriend and had been very ill with Lyme Disease. I am so glad I went. The entire 2 days was full on. Quite overwhelming in fact. I was taken to places I didn’t know existed and I had to come face to face with all that was holding me back and keeping me living in pain. I saw it clearly in the meditations and then Jerry touched my shoulder and this laser green light seemed to re-construct the entire inside of my body. This grid formed and aligned. It was strange but I saw it and felt it. All the pain in my body seemed to vanish in that instant. Its not been back. I am healthy again and working, in a job that I love and pays very well. I am still in awe of my transformation and the power of Star Magic.’

Jack R UK

The 3rd Eye is known as the seat of the soul. Its your gateway to a store house of knowledge, wisdom and extrasensory information. Once your 3rd eye is open and functioning at even a fraction of full capacity, you will open up a whole new world.

This will be like nothing you have ever experienced!

Get ready for the ride. Get ready to be empowered.

You also have the option of booking your ticket locally:

Yoga Palace, Elviria Business Centre, Avenida de las Cumbres, Marbella 29604 – Please speak to Karla.

E-mail: info@starmagichealing.org or karla@love-keys.com



October 7, 2017
October 8, 2017
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Vitania Beach Club
Avanto, Calle Rota n 9, Torrenueva playa, cala de mijas, 29649
Malaga, Spain
+ Google Map

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