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Activeaza Codurile Abundentei, Romania

February 29, 2020 - March 1, 2020

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Arhitectul Cuantic

Tu esti arhitectul propriei tale realitati, iar in Spatiul Cuantic, poti schimba si mofifica codurile vibrationale care comunica, schimba si creaza realitatea fizica.

Totul poate fi schimbat, de aceea, pe parcursul acestui workshop iti va fi aratat cum sa initiezi schimbarea, dupa care vei fi ghidat sa faci aceasta schimbare.


Lumina este informatie. Cantitati uriase de date, sub forma de coduri geometrice curg prin razele de lumina care sunt absolut peste tot.

Tu, in calitate de Arhitect Cuantic al propriei tale realitati, un maestru alchimist ( care va intelege din experienta din cadrul acestui workshop, nu doar din teorie, faptul ca esti lumina/ energie, dincolo de forma fizica, iar lumina/ energia sau datele geometrice sunt conectate la o mareata sursa de energie care este accesibila acum) care poate sa formeze si sa isi modeleze realitatea prin ganduri, sentimente si actiuni, prin utilizarea energiei eliberate si informatia geometrica care curge prin frecventele de lumina/ energie, calatorind prin campul cuantic si creandu-ti viata pe care ti-o doresti. Iti vom arata cum sa devii un alchimist, o masinarie de manifestare, un Adevarat Arhitect Cuantic ar propriei tale realitati. Din acest punct inainte, nu mai este nici o cale de intoarcere.

De ce nu curge Abundenta in viata mea?

Motivul pentru care oamenii experimenteaza o lipsa de abundenta, este datorita programarii de la nivel celular si subconstient. Din momentul in care te-ai nascut si chiar de mai inainte (vieti trecute/ realitati paralele) in unele cazuri, ai derulat un anumit program sau o serie de programe. Luand aceleasi decizii, repetand aceleasi emotii, facand aceeasi actiune din nou si din nou, evenimente dupa evenimente se repeta, fapt ce te tine blocat într-un traseu ciclic de evenimente si circumstante vibrationale scazute. Pana sa iti schimbi energia si sa afli/ sa iti amintesti cum sa o mentii si sa o ridici, apoi sa o redirectionezi intr-un mod nou pentru a crea o noua realitate, vei fi liber pentru o perioadă de timp, dar apoi e foarte posibil sa revii la vechile cai si obiceiuri. Deoarece programarea este foarte puternica ea va reveni si te va tine blocat în vechiul tau mod de a gandi, a simti si a te comporta. Exista un proces stiintific pentru ruperea acestui ciclu si ti se va arata exact cum se poate face, astfel incat sa te poti transforma intr-o lume vibrationala inalta a abundenței, rapid!

Ce vei dobandi in urma acestui workshop?

Cresterea constiintei

Activarea frecventei abundentei

Claritate privind modul in care viata ta va merge mai departe

Constientizare extinsa si energie crescuta

Un sistem nou de bio-circuite ce are vechea programare dizolvată

O inima deschisa si extinsa, precum si un sentiment profund de pace

Un set unic de instrumente pentru a crea orice realitate pe care inima ta si-o doreste

Crestere a curajului si increderii pentru a lua măsuri masive în viața ta

Pretul biletului: £ 155  or  180 €  or  888 RON

In cazul in care aveti intrebari sau doriti sa platiti direct prin transfer bancar:

Telefon: +40731532808

WhatsApp: +40744881812

Email: romania@starmagichealing.org

Locatia: Rin Grand Hotel (Sos. Vitan Barzesti nr. 7D, sector 4, Bucuresti)


The Quantum Architect


You are the architect of your own reality and in the Quantum Field, you can change and shift the vibrational coding that communicates and change and creates your physical reality. Everything can be changed and during this workshop, you will be shown how to initiate the change and then you will be guided to make that change.


Light is information. Vast amounts of data, in the form of geometrical code flow within the light streams that are absolutely everywhere. You as the Quantum Architect of your own reality, a master alchemist (who will understand through experience during this workshop, not just theory, that you are light/energy, beyond the physical form and this light/energy or geometrical data, is connected to and a part of a greater source of energy that is accessible now) and can mould and shape your reality through your thoughts, feelings and actions, by utilising the liberated energy and the geometrical information that flows within the light frequencies/energy, travelling through the quantum field and create the life of your dreams now. We will show you how to be the alchemist, a manifestation machine, a True Quantum Architect of your own reality. From this point forward, there is no turning back.

Why Abundance Doesn’t Flow Into My Life?

The reason people experience a lack of abundance is due to the programming on a cellular and a subconscious level. Since the time you were born, and before (past lives/parallel realities) in some cases, you have been running a programme or a series of programmes. Making the same decisions, repeating the same emotions, taking the same action, over and over and replaying event after event that keeps you stuck in a cyclical trail of low vibrational events and circumstances. Until you change your energy and learn/remember how to maintain it and elevate it, and then direct it, in a new way to create a new reality, you will be free for a period of time but then simply fall back into your old ways. The programming is too strong and so will return and keep you locked in your old way of thinking, feeling and behaving. There is a scientific process to breaking this cycle and you will be shown exactly how to do it, so you can shift into a high vibrational world of abundance, quickly!

Book This Event Now

What Will I Take Away From This workshop?

Heightened awareness

Activated abundance frequency

Clarity on how your life will move forward

Expanded awareness and increased energy

A bio-circuitry system with the old programming dissolved

An expanded heart and a deep sense of peace

A unique set of tools to create whatever reality your heart desires

Increased courage and confidence to take massive action in your life


Tickets £155 or 180 euros or 888 Ron

Phone: +40731532808, WhatsApp: +40744881812 or Email: romania@starmagichealing.org if you have any questions or wish to pay by direct bank transfer

Venue: Rin Grand Hotel (Sos. Vitan Barzesti nr. 7D, sector 4, Bucuresti)

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