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Extra-terrestrial Agendas

Why believe in God but not in Extra-terrestrials?

What is the truth about extra-terrestrials? Collectively we are all God (Brahman) and also individual Divine seeds (Atman) each with the potential to ripen these seeds and remember that we are indeed creator gods. The angels serve us, humanity, as they serve God which is us. This is why when we pray to God that the answers don’t usually come from the external heavens. The answers to prayers come through yourself and the other living beings that you interact with.

There are no aliens because everything in connected and so there are no beings that are truly alien. The term still works relatively or conventionally, for example when describing an illegal alien or if you want to distinguish a little blue man from a human being. There are many races of extra-terrestrials and ultra-terrestrials as well as every other living being including gods, spirits, demons, etc., that we imagine into existence because we are cosmic creators with amnesia. They all live on different dimensional planes of existence.

What are the main things that make people believe that there are extra-terrestrials?

Aliens don’t exist because we are all connected and no living thing is alien with respect to any other living thing. From my own experience we are all human, gods, extraterrestrials and mythical creatures. We imagine and we are that. There are many etheric lightships in the solar system occupied by many benevolent advanced ET races including Arcturians, Pleiadians, and Sirians. They work together with the many ascended enlightened beings. These are living beings that have transcended death and rebirth connected to the light within all the time who live at a higher dimensional frequency. This is why they are invisible to us and they are assisting us from the spaces within. Our universe within is reflected in the external universe. You can request healing, guidance and knowledge from extra-terrestrials and other beings of light (pure energy) including angels and ascended masters. Realities are boundless as experiences are limitless as long as the imagination of the creator remains limitless. Our reality of space and time is one of a vast array of parallel spaces and times embedded in a higher fifth dimensional reality where past, present and future are one. Drop into your heart, feel and then remember.

We have been indoctrinated to believe in what we sense with our senses and technology and little else. What we believe persists and what we observe (create) through science, technology or magic reinforces our worldview and this is reflected in maintaining our illusion of materialism and separation (duality). It is this illusion of duality or separation which creates so much pain as exhibited in the world today from Archons, Reptilians and Greys. They have now been expelled and their last traces of influence are being removed from the solar system. Living beings living in oneness have transcended duality.

There are many other methods for escaping the matrix based on creative expression, intensity of feeing and overloading it by running the imagination through a fractal feedback loop. The veils disappear as the system becomes overload and you feel an unlocking of ties and bonds and a sense of liberation emerges. Try looping every possible imaginable reality into the simulation using the power of will and imagination. Photography, dissociate psychedelics, and microscopic and cosmic scale experiences overload or glitch it. Glitches are felt when timelines cross and may appear as deja-vu or as layers or holographic glazes over things.

How Would Our Reality Change?

We live in an energy reality. We create our own experiential reality. Our physical 3D universe is a projection created by the collective observations of the minds all living beings whether human, animal or ET. This is what makes it so solid and real and alive in nature rather than some fuzzy waves observed by a few in a lab. We need to step up if we have a chance to emulate nature who also operates at higher dimensions. Aim for ascension and enlightenment, which is ultimately an inward journey. Break out of the perception deception and those in the old control paradigms who continually attempt to (succeed in some cases) take control of your destiny.

Be one with the zero-point field (Shunyata) and connect to the source of all that is. We are energy projected as matter, just like holograms in a VR environment. We are creator gods. Create a new scientific theory from the empty set (0 dimensions) that includes the probability of anything and everything that can arise from the Akashic field of emptiness (zero-point field). You can use this knowledge to build new free energy devices. Love, energy and compassion are the key drivers.

Why are there so many flying saucers?

There are some people on this planet who can power a Merkaba. A fully activated Merkaba may be seen as a flying saucer in shape and form, extending out 10′s of metres in two opposite directions with a central bulge housing the occupant(s). They are mostly in a higher dimension so normally cannot be seen by us. There are also a few lightships in the solar system and other types of energy-based spacecraft in our solar system that are currently removing the remnants of the so called ‘Archons’ mentioned by David Icke and others. Of course this is unbelievable (to most) and is happening now in a parallel dimension.

When the veils get thin in the fourth dimension, as they are at the moment, then there is some dimensional bleed through and UFOs may pop into existence, move rapidly and suddenly disappear. They can move the way they do because the energy supply is limitless, as it is zero-point energy, and motion is directed by the pilot’s intent. A Merkaba can travel in directions we cannot see or imagine unless directly experienced ourselves.

What is the Perception Deception?

Put simply The Archons, including the Greys and Reptilians have for many hundreds of years controlled humans to feed on the emotional energy of fear. This they achieved through the so called ‘perception deception’ eloquently illustrated by David Icke. Its function is to breed fear by influencing us in many ways. Their intention was to dumb us down emotionally, culturally, and spiritually. Signals to disrupt our thoughts, feelings and energy are sent through devices. These include noise pollution from  discordant technologies, light pollution and electromagnetic veils from energy saving lightbulbs, wireless signals that frazzle energies and create confusion in the mind and also the media which is projecting war, depression, isolation and conflict.

There are many veils which are now being removed from society and with energy perception you can choose to eliminate such things from your life. It can be anything in modern living and different things affect different people in different ways.  Drop into your heart and feel what is helping and what is hindering progress and listen to your body as many foods are poisonous at a physical and energetic level. Trust the universe and then be love and light within.

The Greys are clones and have a structure analogous to the Borg in Star Trek. This is why they depend on other living beings to assimilate the fearful energies created by caged imaginations. No living being should be allowed to inflict amnesia and veils of depression onto other living beings. Benevolent races such as the Arcturians and have a strong individual focus within a collective. This is the general model to have the best of both worlds and it reflects the grander scheme of the higher dimensional matrices. Visually these realities are customised and appear as energy matrices or n-dimensional membranes of vast complexity and storage potential.

How do we break through our barriers?

The veils are thinning as a result of the work of dedicated souls in expressing our reality. The Christ Consciousness Grid which harmonises and amplifies ascension energies is now installed around the earth and activated. There is also an energetic framework in place for bringing in the cosmic energies thanks to our extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters. This network includes 12 etheric crystals at locations of spiritual power, the Iskalia Mirror positioned over the North Pole which funnels and steps down the high light from source into light that Gaia and living beings can synthesise, ladders of ascension, a ring of ascension and many other tools and techniques to make enlightenment and ascension easier.

Information is transmitted by ETs, via the noosphere. This is an etheric information field linked to the Akashic records that connects the information to receiving channels and starseeds. For example, if the intention is honourable, such as that out of the love to help others or to send a message to humanity, this telepathic message is approved then the message is transmitted to one of the lightships to create a crop circle. Set intention to entangle in time. Then crop circles will appear with a desired geometry, pattern or design. This may or may not be noticed by others although can be specified at a most likely place by intending a peak probability at a location without specifying an exact position. The Galactic Federation, a coalition of many advanced civilisations, have also been very active lately with removal of point singularity bombs and mines left by the Archons in the solar system, and much else to align the solar system with its sister dimensions.

How do we Exit the Matrix of Samsara?

The reality that is experienced, like the free will of the observer, is defined in terms of what it is not rather than what it is. Our thoughts create our reality. Reality is what is left once all illusions, wrong awareness’s (phantasms), and delusions (such as anger, ignorance and attachment) are removed. Powerful Star Magic meditation techniques and Star Magic healing will assist with clearing blocks to spiritual progress as well as the potential to accelerate spiritual progress in combination with a dedicated spiritual practice. This may include revealing the true nature of reality to those ready to experience this. The trick is to remember who we truly are and connect with source energy and the Akashic field.

It is very important to have some means of knowing when all traces and imprints of deception and illusion have been removed.  In the film ‘The Matrix’, Neo did not know if he had ever actually been removed from the matrix. As this waking life is a dream, or illusion, when you dream how can you tell if you are dreaming a dream within a dream until you wake up and realise that you are not? The answer is to trust the universe (the Genie, or Holy Ghost) as pure energy and the zero-point field (emptiness) that are inseparable. Then what arises from this is the illusion even if it appears as a most glorious heaven. Then rejoice and live in that reality by understanding the energy reality and not be attached to the appearances and enjoyments that may appear.

Star Magic Cosmic Codes of Consciousness

Star Magic is very effective for creating rapid results in any facet of life which requires healing. We live in a ‘quantum’ reality where we can affect change with the power of our will. Scientifically, this is expressed as learning how quantum electromagnetism operates at higher dimensions. Star Magic is intuitive and a correct intention powered by unconditional love and compassion at the heart centre will result in positive change. I tune in to the frequency of a client, and feel and see the energy patterns, chords, and ties attached between things and people. Together with my guides, angels and cosmic beings, I will connect with your higher self with heart centred energy. Surrender and allow the healing to filter through all energies. Star magic helps tremendously as it allows the pure cosmic codes of consciousness to enter your body and alchemise change.

If you would like to elevate your life, to a level beyond extraordinary and experience Star Magic energy healing click here

With Love, Compassion and Energy,

