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Inner Voice vs. Inner Noise – Which One Do You Follow?

Today, it’s almost a challenge for people to listen to their intuition and inner voice. The reason behind this is the fact we get too caught up in our checklists and we’re rushed into making multiple decisions every day.

Most people don’t even realize it, but the noise from within us becomes so loud we lose the connection to what’s really important.

If you don’t know whether you tend to follow your inner noise or inner voice, then continue reading the article to discover the differences.

What Does It Mean to Follow Your Inner Noise?

The noise makes it harder for us to listen to the subtle voices which guide us, inspire us and help us uncover a deeper meaning of life, a purpose even.

Today’s society makes it easy for us to be entertained at all times. There’s always something to do, whether it’s going to an event, meeting friends, having an appointment or cooking.

Even when we’re alone, waiting for someone or at home, we tend to grab our phone or turn on our TV as a distraction.

Our minds are stimulated at all times and so all we can hear is noise.

We stop being aware of what’s around us and most importantly inside us.

Perhaps we can’t bear the silence and so it’s almost a reflex to fill it with entertainment. But because this leads to missing out on life’s beauty and purpose, our senses become dull and our lives will lack creativity.

What Do You Do When You Follow Your Inner Voice?

The inner voice equals inner peace. If we listen closely, it can guide us towards our life’s purpose and to a much greater sense of awareness.

We are more than just a physical body, which means we should pay attention to what’s going on inside of us.

inner voice

When you let the voice inside of you speak up:

  • You are going to notice how much better you can understand yourself
  • Your creativity will increase
  • You will discover meanings behind certain events
  • You will become more connected to nature
  • You will live a more fulfilled life because you’ll become your true self.

You don’t need to look any further than listening to your inner voice when searching for your life’s purpose. Your life purpose is connected to your passion, to the things you truly care about and these things speak to you, so you need to listen.

Focus on those and you will notice you will finally start to feel at peace with yourself.

How to Transform the Inner Noise in Inner Voice

The most powerful method you can use to shut down the noise and listen to your inner self is guided meditation.

Meditation helps you quiet your mind and to focus on what’s really important. It can even help you find yourself in the midst of feeling lost and helpless.

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