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Pineal Gland Activation


Activate your third eye with this powerful pineal gland meditation and 3rd eye activation sequence. Your third eye is known as the seat of the soul and is a star gate to other worlds and an infinite storehouse of wisdom and information. Get ready. Results are guaranteed. Remember to subscribe to my channel and share this video with your friends and loved ones


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, today I’m going to show you and go through a process with you which is guaranteed to stimulate your pineal gland, activate your pineal gland, and get that third eyesight rocking and rolling. If your third eyesight is already functioning this is going to amplify. Now I’m going to take you through an activation to enable this to happen but before we do that, we’re going to prime your pineal gland we’re going to prime your body to get things moving flowing and get the energy moving in one direction towards your pineal gland. Remember the old saying, wherever your focus goes wherever your awareness goes your energy follows.

Now there’s two things that I want you to do. We’re going to use focus and awareness and vibration what I want you to do is to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart a slight bend in your knees. If you want to do this sitting, you can. I’m standing but if you want to sit, sittings perfect, and if you wanted to do it laying you could do it like it’s your core. I’m standing. I prefer to stand. I prefer to stand to meditate. I prefer to stand to do a lot of the spiritual work that I do but it’s your call. Horses for courses. We’re all different unique beings I’m going to stand feet shoulder width apart with a slight bend in my knees just to take the pressure out of my lower back next what I want you to do is I want you to bring all of your awareness into the centre of your brain and back slightly but before you do that I want you to close your eyes so first close your eyes and then bring all of your awareness into the centre of your brain and back slightly.

Then what you’re going to do is you’re going to on six times. You can do it with me we’ll do it together and remember you can come back and do this video again you can come back and do this activation again. I’m going to recommend that you do that for a short period of time to continue to stimulate it and amplify it and so that third eyesight enhances and improves and you can just see better than with your normal eyes so close your eyes bring your awareness into the centre of your brain and back slightly take a big long slow deep breath in. Now when you do this you’re going to say as though it’s about all. It’s the sound of the ‘a’ that connects you to source that vibrational frequency because all your awareness and all your attention is on your pineal glands when you let out this vibration or tongue the vibrations are going to go and flow up into your pie in your gland then it’s going to start to stimulate it and activate it. This is the first thing that we’re going to do okay we’re going to go through this properly in a moment.

The second thing that I want you to do is this. I want you to squeeze your buttocks your genitals and your perineum and I want you to suck your tummy in as you do that I want you to focus on Mother Earth’s Merkaba but down in the centre of the planet and I want you to see a platinum light flowing from her bottom tetrahedron up through the rocks and the minerals up through the surface of the planet and into your root chakra so you’re squeezing your perineum your genitals your buttocks just suck in your tummy in you brought that platinum light up into your roots now again you’re going to close your eyes and what you’re going to do is you’re going to take a long slow deep breath in and as you breathe in you’re going to follow the platinum light from your roots all the way up through the centre of your body to your crown chakra. Once the light gets to your crown, you’re going to leave it to flow and what you’re going to do is you’re going to bring your awareness into the centre of your brain and back slightly exactly where you’re your gland is.

As you focus on your awareness, you’re going to hold your breath for 13 seconds once you get to 13 seconds you’re going to let go of the squeeze and you’re going to let go of your breath. You’re going to do that six times once you’ve done that six times we’re going to go back to six arms and then we’re going to go back to six lots of this breath okay if this is the first time we’ve ever been anything like this with me just go with the flow this is just a learning exercise right now you’re going to come back and do it again practice makes perfect and practices experience. Experience is how you start to remember what you’ve known for centuries, for millions of years, lots inside of your DNA, locked inside of your consciousness. So, we’re going to do six rounds, six squeezes pulling in the platinum light, holding the breath for thirteen seconds. Six rounds and then six more breaths.

Then what I want you to do is just to close your eyes and I’m going to talk you through an activation and all you’ve got to do is listen and go through the process and I guarantee you you’re pineal gland is going to be vibrating fizzing and when you continually do this process you’re going to start to see into the spirit world you’re going to start to communicate with angels, other beings, extraterrestrials. You’re going to start to have great conversations with yourself in a higher self. They’re just labels. You’re going to start to see and feel because the Pineal gland is a transducer of information and it’s not just visual. It helps you heal better; it helps you feel more, it helps you know to a deeper capacity, the truth. So, let’s do this, beautiful soul. One thing I want to say right now is when you come back and do this daily. It’s important that you stay hydrated and on the second day that you come back and do this.

You can skip the intro and go straight to the point where the video starts and just go into the breathing and the activation and then go about your day but please stay hydrated throughout the day three to four litres of water a day. Remember, water as liquid crystal the more water that flows around the inside of your body, the easier these frequencies can transport into your cells, into your DNA to unlock that wisdom there are other things that are going to happen when we go through this process your central nervous system is going to switch on a great pharmaceutical company. We’re going to activate your pituitary glands oxytocin vasopressin various chemicals are going to be released and offshoots of those chemicals are going to help switch your body on to a greater capacity. We don’t need to go into those details right now because we’re just primarily focused on the pion your glands but just know your immune system is going to boost and there are many other byproducts to going through this process as well as you are becoming a superhuman and seeing them feeling into the world beyond the veil of illusion so close your eyes just breathe with me.

Now, I want you to bring all your awareness into the centre of your brain and back slightly take a nice long deep breath in keep your awareness on your pineal gland in the centre your brain and back slightly. Keep it there all your awareness all your focus all your attention. Now I want you to focus on Mother Earth’s Merkabah a bottom tetrahedron. I want you to see a platinum light flowing up from it up through the rocks and the minerals up through the surface of the planet and into your root chakra. See that platinum stream gets stronger and brighter and continually. Run next squeeze your buttocks your genitals and perineum and suck your tummy in and backwards squeeze all this.

Now, we’re going to take a nice long deep breath in and pull that platinum light up to our crown. Once it gets there, you’re going to bring your awareness into the centre of your brain and back slightly hold your breath for 13 seconds then more release through that and go again for another five sets bringing that platinum light. Squeeze everything pulling the tummy. Let’s go. Now we’re going to go back to the first exercise. This time what you’re going to do is you’re going to squeeze your genitals your perineum your buttocks. Don’t worry about pulling your tummy in but you’re just going to squeeze those buttocks. Three components, buttocks genitals perineum squeeze it all this is going to push the cerebral spinal fluid up through your body and from now on every time you do this, you’re going to squeeze this. I just want it to introduce you to this a little piece by a little piece to make it easier. Squeeze all of this, bring all your awareness up into the centre of your brain and back slightly. Keep squeezing. Take a deep breath in.

Now, you’re going to keep squeezing and you’re going to focus on that platinum light. Now you’re going to pull your tummy in pull that platinum light up to your crown following the breath all the way up to the top and bring it into the centre of your brain and back slightly with all your awareness, all your focus. Hold for 13, let’s go six times through now we’ve primed the Pineal gland. I want you to keep your eyes closed and just regulate your breathing in through your nose down to the pit of your stomach back out through your mouth. The whole time I want your awareness to be in the centre of your brain and back slightly keep it there throughout this process I want you to breathe into your body deeper and longer and slower. Feel your body.

As you breathe into your body, you’ll become aware of an inverted platinum pyramid spinning 90 centimetres above your crown chakra in a clockwise direction. It spins faster and faster and as it spins it starts to draw in frequencies from Lyra, from Sirius Orion Andromeda Arcturus and Alpha Centauri. These powerful off planet frequencies flow through the cosmic fabric then through mother earth’s atmosphere through the roof of your space and into the base of that inverted pyramid which spins faster and faster in a clockwise direction drawing in these codes, drawing in these frequencies. They mix and merge together. As it spins up above your head, I want you to squeeze your buttocks your perineum and your genitals as you continue to breathe squeeze them as much as you can we’re going to count from 3 the apex of this pyramid is going to open the Starlight is going to flow down through your crown and into your third eye 3 2 1. The apex opens that star light flows down through your crown into your pineal gland and boom, it explodes.

High vibrational light streams into your consciousness it streams into your pie in your glands it flows from your playing your gland into your left and right brain and you become aware of neural pathways opening rewiring. As both hemispheres of your brain glow on this powerful platinum transformational frequency your pineal gland throbs and vibrates and it starts to expand. As you continue to squeeze and breathe all your awareness on your pineal gland, the pyramid spins faster and faster, the apex opens a little bit wider. More lights more frequency more cold streams into your third eye you then become aware of a golden frequency that starts to flow into this space. It moves in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor this golden frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it in a clockwise direction over your heads underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger like an electric gold tornado.

You start to breathe this frequency in. It flows in through your nose up into your mind, into your left and right brain. It flows into your pineal gland, your pituitary gland, your hypothalamus. It flows around the outside of your skull, around your head, your face, your neck, your throat. It flows into the base of your cranium communicating with your substantia medulla oblongata. They fire up, they activate. It flows through your neck, your throat, your shoulders, your chest and back, through your arms elbows forearms wrists into your hands fingers and thumbs it flows through your heart your lungs band through your spinal column through your middle back your lower back into your buttocks back through your large and small intestine into your hips through your groin into your legs.

As you continue to squeeze and breathe, the apex of that pyramid opens a little bit wider and more light flows into your pineal gland. It vibrates faster and faster and that golden frequency flows through your hips, buttocks, and groin thighs hamstrings knees down through your calves past your shins into your ankles through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. Continue to breathe in this golden light and so the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you. As it does you become aware of a Pleiadean Lightworker moving into your left-hand side, another one to your right, an Arcturian behind you, and a Lyran in front of you. These four beings they move into your space they stop about 3/4 of a meter away from me.

All four of them open their hearts and multi-coloured streams of light flow out from their hearts, through the empty space 25 centimetres 20 15 10 5 and boom, they penetrate your heart. A diamond Merkaba is activated in your heart space. It starts to draw in frequencies from planet earth and more extraterrestrial frequencies from the stars. They float down for your crown into your heart up through your root into your heart, masculine and feminine energies, this diamond Merkaba spins faster and faster, and then light codes start to flow out from it up through your chest up through your throat up into your pain your glands merging with the frequencies from the stars increasing its vibration and expanding its energy fields.

As you continue to squeeze and breathe the Lyran the Pleiadeans, they open their third eye and gold and electric-blue streams of light flow out from their third eyes through the empty space towards you, half a meter 25 centimetres and boom they penetrate your third eye the beam behind you steps forwards and places its hands over your ears. It starts to run in a crystal white frequency through your ears and into your third eye. It stimulates your left and right brain. Everything vibrates faster, light codes start to flow from the Lyran’s third eye into yours and from the Pleiadean’s eye in your glands into your third eye also just be in this space and receive this information as the Merkaba in your heart spins faster. You continue to squeeze all your awareness on your pineal gland downloading these light codes.

You become aware of the field of your pineal gland flowing out past your physical body into the empty space. It expands half a meter in diameter a meter in diameter and then it starts to contract. It flows back inside of your mind and then expands again bypass the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space it expands and expands and then it contracts it continues to do so as you’ve downloaded this information the pyramid up above you spin even faster drawing in more frequency more code, more information, more geometrical data as the apex opens a little.  This geometrical data pours down into your pie anneal cleanse your left and right brain communicating with each other your corpus callosum the link between the two it clears its cleanse free flowing frequency a free flow of information between the two hemispheres opens up your heart field expands out for your chest up through your throats up through your mind up through your crown is the field from your pie in your gland flows down for your hands these two fields they merge together becoming one, synchronizing your heart and your mind into unison.

As you vibrate in this space just be here for a moment and download this information. You are extraordinary, a superhuman. Keep squeezing, keep breathing. You are a multi-dimensional being expanding right there. Be here surrender to this experience, let in the joy and the bliss. Feel your body full of divinity happiness. Unconditional love is that little miracle machine. Your pineal gland, all those calcite crystals, are vibrating together sending out fields of energy into the empty space to collect data and bring it back into your consciousness to be deciphered and transduced. Be in this space. The four beings in your space they open their hearts and white light, love, pours into you from Pleiadeans and the  Lyran open their third eyes even wider. More codes, more knowledge crystal keys of wisdom flow into your third eye unlocking giving you more access.

As you breathe into this space, the pyramid up above you start to shrink and descend continuing to spin drawing in that data, drawing in that information, a geometrical code. It flows down through the top of your head down through your crown and fits neatly around your pineal gland where it continues to spin. The Lyran and stares into your eyes and asks you to come back and do this for a minimum of 30 days you may find that your third eye sights switches on way before you might find it takes a little bit longer, we’re all different. The more you squeeze the deeper you breathe the more awareness you put onto your plan your glands the faster you can accelerate you can come back and do this twice a day if you like three times a day, but you must stay hydrated the four beings they turn smile walk back through the cosmic fabric and disappear into geometrical codes. They’ll return tomorrow to work with you. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero you can let go of the squeeze, open your eyes, and come back into this space. You feel the vibration in your bones the tingle in your cells the frequency in every muscle the inside of your mind, your pineal gland vibrating. Five four three two one zero, whenever you’re ready, open your eyes, come back into this space, and just feel your body feel your space.

Feel the vibrations from head to toe. I recommend you do nothing else right now for 20 to 30 minutes just be in your space and observe your own consciousness drink some water and just chill and then come back and do this tomorrow or if you want to do it more than once a day, you’re more than welcome I guarantee you this is going to send your pineal  gland into overdrive. It’s a magical thing. Just be ready for the truth because once you see into the spirit worlds, even though it’s beautiful it’s new. So be ready for the newness. It’s exciting, it’s beautiful. You realize that a lot of things you once believed were real and not so real and as long as you’re ready for that, it’s okay. You’re a superhuman and I love you unconditionally. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. You are a superhuman that came to this planet to shine brightly so open your heart, live in divine bliss, joy, and unconditional love. Be a compassionate kind human hug tightly. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and know that we’re a human family. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.

Check out our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet remember you’re the most powerful being that has ever graced these earthly Plains nothing is powerful. We are equal. Knowledge is key, wisdom is mission-critical, and your mindset is your heart set and your attitude or what defines you. I love you as my sister or brother, you are phenomenal. Look into the mirror and see that for yourself looking to the labyrinth of your own cosmic heart and mine the gold and the beauty from your own inner consciousness. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. I love you. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.

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