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What Millennials Think About Quick Fixes For Success


What is the number one quick fix for success? And what do millennials think about this quick fix for massive success? Back in the day, our parents always told us to work hard to get where we wanted to go. Nowadays everyone wants it now, without the effort. Neither of these philosophies cut it. There must be balance in your approach. But with this being said, there is a quick fix for massive success. Once you can accept this quick fix, which will readjust your perspective, you are in with a real shot at creating a gigantic life for yourself where you thrive beyond measure. Success is our birthright beautiful soul. So get create it and make it happen. Remember to share this video with your friends and loved ones.


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? How are you feeling?

I wanted to share with you today the best way to get ahead in life, the quick fix to get ahead in life. Before I do that, I want you to take three nice long deep breaths and I want you to open your heart. This is something new that I’m going to be doing in all my videos from this point forward and that is just to connect with every single one of you and transmit healing frequencies. So, open your heart, take three nice long deep breaths, and connect with me. I’m going to start to transmit some powerful healing frequencies as I share this message with you. So, we’re killing two birds with one stone for not want of a better phrase. Open your heart, take three nice long deep breaths, and come into this space with me. You’re amazing you truly are, and I love you unconditionally.

So back to this quick fix. There really is only one surefire recipe for quick success and that is to realize and accept a hundred and ten percent that there is no quick fix. You see everybody wants it now, everybody wants it yesterday. Nobody wants to put in the hard work. Everybody wants the affirmation or the mantra or the breathing technique or the meditation, the one meditation, this one way, that they can get ahead in a few weeks or a month, “please Jerry what affirmation can I do, what meditation can I do just for the next week to really get ahead.” You’ve heard this term before, buy cheap, buy twice. I remember when I was a kid, I used to hear that term, buy cheap, buy twice. I’ve been out and bought cheap so many times and you end up buying it again and again and again. It could be a toaster, it could be a kettle, it could be a watch, it could be whatever it is, whatever material item you buy generally.

When you buy it cheap it’s going to fall apart. You buy something good quality; it’s going to last you a lifetime. The same goes for your own personal development. If you truly want to get ahead you’ve got to start dedicating hours of your day every single day to becoming a more elevated, expanded human being. You’re not going to get there in a day or a week or a month. It’s a lifelong discipline getting up every single day and doing the things that are going to help you become a better human, being a superhuman. Meditation, qigong exercise, reading books, doing the things that you must do to keep you on track but not only keep you on track; keep you focused and uncontrollable. The last thing you want to do is to control your mind. How about freeing your mind, liberating your mind. You don’t want to control anything. You want to liberate yourself through discipline which may seem like a bit of a paradox, a contradiction in terms, because how can I liberate by being disciplined. Surely being disciplined is going to control me, surely being disciplined is going to stop me doing the things that I want. No.

There’s the discipline that people of my generation grew up where our parents disciplined us through punishments, rules, and regulations. Now rules and regulations are okay if they’re done in an expansive way. If you’ve got a certain rule that you know every morning you’re going to get up and you’re going to do holotropic breathing or you’re going to breathe the breath of fire or you’re going to go for a swim. I’m here now by the ocean in Greece. There’s a guy over there in the water. He’s swimming, the time is 6:30 in the morning. That’s discipline right there but does he look like he’s changed. No, he’s in the ocean swimming around,  the sun’s just coming up. It’s beautiful. That cold water was getting into his cells and rejuvenating him. Mother earth, nature is helping him uplift his frequency first thing in the morning. He’s cleansing himself.

Before I jumped on this camera to share this message with you to share these healing frequencies with you. I just sat here on this deck in right next to the water just being, breathing in that beautiful cosmic energy. There was so much space around me. It was beautiful, it still is beautiful. I’m here sharing with you in this space and it’s magical. This isn’t hard work. I’m in nature. Nature’s part of my discipline. Does it make me feel locked and enclosed. No, it makes me feel expanded and free because I’m looking at into an ocean where I can’t see the ends. There is so much space and this space is electrifying, magnetizing, beautiful. So, realize that there are no quick fixes. You’ve got to dedicate three or four hours of your day every single day, maybe more, to becoming a superhuman and then being a superhuman and then expanding your superhuman self. Between 5:00 in the morning and midday I don’t really speak to anybody because they’re my hours. That’s when I do what I want to do. That’s when I run and I meditate and I breathe and I create and I write and I read and I walk and I just do all the things that make me happy, fill me full of joy and bliss, and elevate my personal vibration.

You can do the same things too because you’ve got the power of choice as a superhuman with intelligence, the reason you need to exercise discipline and dedication and do this every single day maybe is because life is full of opportunities. But not all those opportunities are for you. A lot of them are distractions. You’ve got to follow your heart and pick and choose the correct opportunities, the right opportunities, the ones that are going to fill your soul full of unconditional love, the ones that continue you on your mission, your life purpose. You are truly incredible. Just be in this space with me for another minute and breathe in these frequencies. Breathe all the way down to the pit of your stomach. Keep your heart open as I send these last few healing frequencies into your consciousness and just feel the words that I’ve shared with you. There really is no quick fix. You’re amazing truly you are. Do you know this because I know this but? Do you know it, open your heart wider.

I’m going to send the energies of this ocean into your heart. Feel them, breathe them in. I’m going to pull the energy of the sun, those electromagnetic frequencies, those plasma codes. I’m going to send them into your heart. Breathe them in you are amazing, extraordinary, one powerful soul bouncing around in this physical vessel, and someone’s given you a name, but it means nothing. What is important is you go beyond the physical into the mystical and the magical, into the quantum field where there is massive potential and it’s unlimited. It’s infinite, it’s beyond you, it’s beyond me, it’s beyond this world. You have access to this energy right now so start getting up in the morning and breathing, meditating, reading, writing. If you like to write. Paint. If you like to paint, walk in nature, and cuddle trees, go for a swim in the ocean, go to the gym, go and exercise in a park, in a field but do the things that are going to raise your vibration and then put mother nature back into your body. Sun gaze, drink water, eat fruit and vegetables, put those electrons back into your body, put those photons into your body and let’s expand beautiful soul.

If you want to stay in this energy for a few more minutes, you can and just soak up these healing frequencies. There’s no hurry to go back to work, to go back to your job, to go back to life. It’s going to be waiting for you when you do return so make the most of this moment. If you’re watching this on YouTube subscribe and share, if you’re watching it on Facebook, like it and share it. We’re a team, we’re a human family. Let’s share these positive messages and let’s make this world a better place a much more harmonious place. Let’s care let’s share, let’s live with love and compassion. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Check out



