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Spirit Food – Mushroom

spirit food mushroomORIGIN

Although mushrooms are often considered a vegetable, they are actually fungi that grow above the ground. They were most likely cultivated for the first time around 600AD in Asia.

Archaeological evidence does show that many cultures around the world used mushrooms for ritualistic and sacred practices. The earliest depiction of entheogenic mushroom consumption dates around 5,000 BC, it is in a cave painting found in the upper Tassili plateau of northern Algeria.

In the 17th century, edible mushrooms were introduced in Europe. In the early years, the mushroom was very exclusive and only available to the elite. A great deal of the mystery surrounding mushrooms stems from their ability to induce altered states of consciousness, their association with poisonings and also accidental deaths.

The famous French philosopher Voltaire was once quoted, “A dish of mushrooms changed the destiny of Europe.” Mushrooms have been praised for their medicinal properties thanks to an abundance of vitamins, minerals, protein, potassium and polysaccharides, which contribute to a healthy immune system. The truffle, referred to as the “diamond of the kitchen” was made famous by French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, truffles are one of the most expensive foods in the world.



Ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant present in mushroom helps eliminate free radicals, which are dangerous compounds released during the metabolic processes of cells.

Mushrooms contain natural antibiotics (similar to penicillin), which inhibit microbial growth and other fungal infections. These same polysaccharides, beta-glucans, can stimulate and regulate the body’s immune system.

The combination of Vitamin A, B-complex, and C found in mushrooms helps strengthen the immune system. They can also help heal ulcers and protect them from developing infections.

Mushrooms have high levels of iron and copper. Copper regulates and stimulates the absorption of iron from food too, with both present they work together for healthy bones and also prevent anaemia.

Mushrooms feed on animal matter which gives them a high protein and selenium content. They are the best way for vegetarians to obtain the necessary amount of selenium and protein.

Mushrooms are rich in calcium, which is an essential nutrient in the formation and strengthening of bones.

Vitamin D is a relatively rare vitamin to find in edible forms, however, mushrooms have a good dose of it. The presence of vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus making this a superfood powerhouse. Some scientist say it is healthier than any other fruit or vegetable!



Mushrooms have a long history of enlightenment. The stalk represents the spine and the little cap at the top of the stalk, the opened crown chakra.

The mushroom is a symbolism of kundalini energy. While the edible mushroom won’t give you a hallucinogenic trip, they do alter your body over some time for the better.

Allow these mystical fungi to direct you towards experiences that will awaken the kundalini energy. Once awakened, mushrooms are a wonderful tool to keep the kundalini awakened and in use.



Add mushrooms to soups and stews.

Use portobello mushroom caps to replace the classic bun when making burgers.

Grill, boil and fry mushrooms as a healthy side dish or sprinkled in a salad.

Mushrooms are so versatile they can be added to almost any dish, get eating these beauties and let your creativity flow!
