Star Magic Foundation

What is the Star Magic Foundation?

  • The mission of the Star Magic Foundation is to help our sisters and brothers of Earth to claim their sovereignty by providing assistance and opportunities where they’re needed most.

    The Star Magic Foundation does not act as a charity providing relief, such as food parcels to keep people in their current situation, by administering band-aids that have a shelf life. We are determined to be enablers, inspiring and motivating those in less fortunate situations by providing sustainable solutions so people can look after themselves long-term. These include new homes and permaculture projects, water pipelines and resources to repair, build and equip educational facilities.

Working with local communities

  • The Star Magic Foundation also works with local government groups to run motivational workshops after natural disasters have occurred, during times of massive stress. When authorities are struggling to function, we come and breathe fire back into their bellies so they can continue their mission.

    There are people around the planet that are merely surviving and to give them the breakthrough they deserve to grow their own food, educate themselves and their children, have fresh running water, clothes, a home (things that most people take for granted), and sustainability is our way of contributing to our human family.

Senegal school project – Every Kid Counts

Star Magic donates regularly to Every Kid Counts, an organisation assisting children in Senegal with basic creative education. We make it possible to buy writing, drawing and reading material for the young women and men, provide nourishment, trauma therapy and offer the children life skills. It brings joy to their daily lives and stimulates the consciousness of orphaned and abandoned street children in poverty-stricken locations.

The Star Magic Scholarships Program

We are one. By paying it forward and helping others, we are embodying our unity as a human family. As we grow together and our consciousness expands, our collective power and potential increase exponentially. The Star Magic Scholarships Program provides growth-seeking souls with the funds they need to kickstart their healing and expansion journey. We invite you to join this empowering movement and help your brothers and sisters enroll in Facilitator Training to unlock their true potential.

One love. One heart. One human family!

Rebuilding after a typhoon – The Philippines

  • Jerry and his daughter Aalayah flew to the Philippines after the typhoon Haiyan hit and destroyed parts of the country. They partnered with a humanitarian team from Singapore on the ground in the Philippines. The team brought materials and took construction guys to help rebuild towns and villages. We implemented permaculture projects and did motivational workshops for government officials. We gave clothes, rebuilt schools and more. The devastation on the ground was massive and the resilience of the local people was inspiring.

Working with schools in Cambodia

Jerry took a team to Cambodia. We went into the jungle, rebuilt schools, gave 200 bikes to local children, and fed many children in different locations. We arranged for wells to be dug and provided better sanitation for local families.

How can you get involved?

To be a part of this epic movement of freedom and love, contact us here.

To assist us in helping others, please donate here

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