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Unity. LOVE (Jerry Sargeant) Let’s RISE Together and Ride This Magical Wave. Choose YOUR Timeline!


Right now we have a choice, we can choose the timeline that unfolds. The one of fear, destruction, power, and control or that of compassion, unity, freedom, and love. Which one will you choose Beautiful Soul?

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I’m Jerry Sargeant and I am on a mission to change the consciousness on this planet, kick start your inner awakening and raise the vibration, so we, as sisters and brothers can live in a more harmonious experience. When you change your consciousness, you can change your energy and in doing so, thrive amongst the chaos, until chaos completely dissolves because of the planets and our human families’ vibration, sky-rockets. If you want to know how to activate your DNA or Pineal Gland, heal yourself or others, meditate, or are searching for wisdom to elevate your life, then this channel is for you. Remember to share with your friends and loved ones.


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Hey there, beautiful soul. How are you feeling? Amongst this so-called chaos and mayhem, you got to see the love, you’ve got to see the beauty, you’ve got to see the magic.

If you look up into the skies, there are no chemtrails, there’s no pollution. The skies are breathing, baby. Mother Earth is breathing, there’s dolphins in the canals in Venice. It’s a beautiful thing. The planet is breathing, we’re being forced to be still. What do you make of all this? Hey maybe our sisters and brothers from the stars are clearing the skies so they’ve got an uninterrupted view of us as humans running around this green and blue ball so they can bombard us with high frequency energy so that high-frequency energy can shift us in a major way.

The universe always works in your favour if that is how you decide to be with it. You can also resist it and choose a different timeline, the one of chaos, the one of fear, the one of structure, and the one of power and control or you can see the beauty in this unfolding of interesting events that are taking place on our planet right now. We as a human species have other aspects of ourselves in parallel realities, densities, or dimensions, whatever you want to call it. Maybe we are looking down ourselves laughing right there, joking around watching us trying to figure all this stuff out and at the same time a different version of us created it, our extra-terrestrial version, or versions.

Your perception is your reality and whatever timeline and perception you buy into is the one you will follow and creates me. I choose the one of love, I choose the one of knowing, I choose the one where we as a human species are going through a positive evolutionary process which may look chaotic and destructive if you’re inside of it not seeing the wood through the trees but if you rise and you look back down at this situation you see the game for what it really is. Then you start to dissect it and piece it together like a great big puzzle and then you become aware of the true beauty, the colourful magical unfolding of events that are there to help us grow as a global family, as a species, as a race. Yes, there is destruction in the process, yes there is chaos but out from chaos and destruction always comes order.

Have no fear, beautiful soul. Go into your heart and ask is this working out for me? Is this, okay? Of course, it is, beautiful soul. Feel and that is the answer that you will receive but you got to ask the question yourself. Don’t believe me, don’t take my word for it, don’t believe anything. Go into your cosmic hearts and know the truth, stay in love, unleash compassion and divinity.

Let’s come together as a species and let’s ride this wave together and I love you unconditionally and I speak to you and see you again real soon.



