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Will The World RETURN to NORMAL After This Global Pandemic? (Jerry Sargeant) Wake UP!


Will the world return to normal after this Global Pandemic? Once the Coronavirus has been washed from our shores, will we go back to the way it was? Is it not time for humanity to wake up and change? Is this not a beautiful opportunity to create a new world? Are you ready to embrace this massive opportunity to create a new world? Consciousness is rising and the world is changing for the better. It may seem a little chaotic right now but we can change our perspective and see the magic in what is unfolding. The system must change and the system is changing. Life on Earth will never be the same… for the Better!

I’m Jerry Sargeant and I am on a mission to change human consciousness on this planet, kick start your inner awakening and raise the vibration, so we, as sisters and brothers can live in a more harmonious experience. When you change your consciousness, you can change your energy and in doing so, thrive amongst the chaos, until chaos completely dissolves because of the planets and our human families’ vibration, sky-rockets. If you want to know how to activate your DNA or Pineal Gland, heal yourself or others, meditate, or are searching for wisdom to elevate your life, then this channel is for you. Remember to share with your friends and loved ones.


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful, soul?

So, a lot of people are asking this question – will we go back to normal after this global pandemic. What is normal? I mean quite frankly speaking normal really wasn’t working. Was it otherwise we probably wouldn’t be in this situation. If everything was great, an extraordinary and amazing and phenomenal and beautiful and transparent and harmonious, we wouldn’t be in this situation and I won’t say we wouldn’t be in this mess because it’s not really a mess, it’s a part of a process of restructuring reorganizing, and transforming. Humanity has been brought to a standstill almost. We’ve been brought to our knees, and I feel that as a species we thought we were these indestructible people that could do whatever they wanted to the planet, that could do whatever they wanted to each other with little or no consequence, and that isn’t true.

The earth is our mother for a reason. Mothers rule the households, mothers carry the wisdom, the knowledge. During these times of so-called chaos and confusion through this process. I mean we’re confined to our homes; we’re realizing that we’re impermanent, we’re spiritual, we’re lights, we are energy with something beyond this physical form having a human experience with geometrical code, with frequency, and we’re connected to that deep, deep level. With this virus spreading around the world whether it’s really spreading like the media portrays it or not I really don’t know but people are dying, people are crumbling.

We are impermanent beings in these physical forms. Anyway, we’re permanent when it comes to the energy source that resides inside of these avatars, these physical vessels, these points of contact. I feel that we’re going to create a new normal, a new way of being. I mean people are realizing now that whilst you’re confined to your home you’ve got the Internet and you can start to use the Internet to make money to connect with people, to run your business, to run your life. You don’t need to go and work for a large corporation. I feel that people are going to become a lot more independent after this. They’re going to start to take matters into their own hands and realize they don’t need to work a nine-to-five for these big corporations.

Hopefully a lot of these big corporations will come tumbling down and we’ll go back to basics. It’s only that ego identity that wants to go back to what normal was because, it’s what the ego knows but that’s dangerous. Right now, as a species we’re being forced into the unknown we’re being forced to tackle, overcome, we’re being forced to go inwards to be still. We’re being forced to connect in different ways and some people are really, really hitting rock bottom. Some people are thriving. Every cloud has a silver lining, or a golden lining, or a diamond lining. There is magic in every single situation but we’re seeing this is disastrous and the end of the world or the end of what we know the world to be like.

Yes, I feel that the world is going to be different afterwards, the way that it’s going to operate, the way that we behave and operate as humans, as individuals, as communities. We’re starting to wake up and realize what’s important and through all this stuff that’s going on around us. There’s one thing that stands out a mile and it’s something that people have been sharing for centuries and that is love is the one immeasurable or maybe measurable driving force that is flowing through every single human being. Right now, it’s energy and that is connecting us whether we’re stuck in our homes whether, we’re stuck in whatever countries were stuck in, we’re connected by this underlying frequency. See that, my friend is not going to change that.

What is going to help us recreate this world much better, much stronger, much more connected. We’re going to start connecting in ways that we had forgotten how to connect. When I was a kid, I used to go out into the field and play football with my friends or climb trees. We used to walk through streams for miles. I’d go out in the morning; I’d come back in the evening. My mum and dad never asked where I was. It was safe and maybe it is still safe today but through the media we’ve been made to believe that it’s not safe. When you walk around ,well up until a few days ago I was walking around, and connecting with people in the streets, there was hardly any cars around. People were happier, the vibration has elevated and lifted, people are talking to each other  in the streets instead of rushing to go to work or rush into their emails or rush into this or rush into that.

People have more time, people have more space, well they don’t have more time. It’s just that they’re the things they were doing in the twenty-four-hours-a-day have changed so they have more space, they do have more time, but there’s still 24 hours on a clock. Perspectives are changing. Loved ones are becoming more important again. Instead of rushing to work to be successful to earn the money I think a lot of freedom is going to come out of this. We’re going to regain our sovereignty as a human species. Maybe the banking system is going to change, how products and services are delivered. Transport companies realize that we’re quite dependent on other countries for certain things.

I feel that through this process everybody’s going to become more self-sufficient. We’re not going to depend on these mainstream supermarkets. Hopefully the old fruit and veg shops are going to come back, and we can start going down to our local shops and buying their local produce again, Supporting local businesses instead of these big conglomerates. You have a choice of how to handle this situation. You are an energy source that is mesmerizingly powerful. You have knowledge and wisdom locked inside your DNA, inside of your cells, waiting to burst through the seams. Come out into this world and ignite a spark of divinity from the inside out so you can show the world who you are and what you are and that is a child from the stars here on this planet to experience this process and it’s a magical thing.

Let’s create a new normal with many variables and normal that is exciting and normal that isn’t normal and normal that changes day by day because we’re happy to keep expanding and stepping into the unknown because we understand that that’s where the magic happens. In the meantime, stay safe, keep washing your hands, stop hugging everybody for the moment. You know that my message is hug everyone and don’t be the first to let go but right now maybe you shouldn’t hug so many people. Just give yourself a big hug in the mirror every morning. Stare into your own eyes and say I love you, beautiful soul, and mean it because self-love is mission-critical, and right now during this crazy period we’ve got a time to go within and to love ourselves so deeply.

You are an amazing human being. Know this, feel this. Don’t believe anything that anyone ever tells you especially me. Go into your heart and make sure the truth resonates with your soul and then you can decide whether you know it, or you don’t know it. If you don’t, cast it away as a sin, but stop believing because it’s dangerous. Belief systems are based on thoughts and every thought when you trace it back to its origin flows out from time, distance, or measurement. None of them exist. They’re illusions. Therefore, all belief systems are illusory. Know yourself in here. Knowing trumps believing every time.

Wherever you are, love fiercely, love ferociously, hug yourself tightly and don’t be the first to let go and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website Through this process we’ve got loads of free global meditations going on. Connect with us online. The next one is this Saturday 28th of April. Check it out, be with us, next week Monday to Friday 4:00 p.m. everyday London time. We’ve got an online immune and frequency support system going on place, live webinar. Go to our website, join infinity. You get access for free. You’re amazing.

Remember if you’re watching this on YouTube subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. If you’re watching it on Instagram share it with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones. Together we really can make this world a much more harmonious place. Teamwork is the key, beautiful soul. I’ll see you again real soon.



